View Full Version : HUM noise in head/ears

21-02-11, 08:19
I get tinnitus, not badly, but recently have started getting a humming noise.
I am pretty sure its 'the hum' as found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum

which doesnt really help as there seems no actual explanation
but their description of it matches the one i had already given to gp, exactly

its annoying and i can now hear it in the day, and am beginning to panic that it is just going to grow louder and louder and consume my life!!

just wondered if ANYONE else experiences it

23-02-11, 02:31
I put the HUM down to self persuasion. If you switch everything off in your home, go to the middle of a peaceful field, sit and hear the HUM, it does exist. For example, if I want go I can hear it now, but I don't drive my mind in that direction and so don't. I think it does exist, but only if you want it to. Maybe your body wants to hear it and so subconsciously is hearing and you knowingly tune into it.
It is only lifes background music, try to keep hour head away from it if it is annoying you, it can't hurt you, you aren't going mad, we can all tune in.

23-02-11, 09:14
no no
dont think have ever heard the noise outside
its mostly indoors, at night, but now in the day too.
I dont 'want' it there at all, and i dont 'drive my mind in that direction' - it is an endless drone, and when things like lorries/buses idle nearby, it makes my ears throb painfully - to the point where a lorry idling in the middle of the night will wake me up with the discomfort/pain in my ears

I assume its there all the time, even when i dont hear it, since the problem with engines can happen any time, in the street, car, house

but there ya go
must just pretend its not there then, and off it will flutter, together with my overactive imagination

23-02-11, 19:18
you know what

forget it
it doesnt matter

its me it affects no one else

and yay
like all mh problems
it must all be in my damn imagination

23-02-11, 19:34
I had this very bad .I used to think it was the neighbours having a radio on late at night and the humming was coming thru the walls .Id get my Hubby to check if he could hear anything .He couldnt ..I was convinced this is what it was .I got pretty annoyed with it ,as I thought he just wasnt listening properly and thought I was imagining it :wacko:..It wasnt until the neighbours moved out that I realised what it was .Somehow that made me ,not take so much notice of it .Laying in a quiet room is the worse thing ,just having a slight background noise helps .It comes and goes ,but i dont pay it any attention and is worse when im anxious .Everything is worse when you focus on it too much tho I find . SUE

24-02-11, 10:16
It could well be tinnitus, as the term covers all sorts of noises. I've had tinnitus for about 20 years - I got it as a result of a flu virus and it's never gone away. You tend to get used to it after a while, but some sufferers get it quite severely.

My ex-husband is an audiologist, and he's explained that tinnitus is often generated by the auditory nerves, which is why it can sound as though it's coming from inside your head, rather than in your ears. The noises that can be produced include whistling, humming, bells, rushing sounds and many others; it's often high-pitched, but not always. It can also be quite loud, and is often made worse by stress or blocked sinuses.