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View Full Version : haven't we got enough to deal with?

21-02-11, 10:15
I know that inevitably where there is a lot of different people, posting a lot of different things, we are bound to disagree and get frustrated and take it out on each other.

But in the near year I've been with NMP I've noticed a lot more squabbling in recent months and a lot more people getting frustrated.

We all have our issues to deal with, and here is a safe place to come and vent and ask for advice and support.

Let's stop taking it out on each other. Even for those not directly involved, we're all the same and reading these squabbles are upsetting too, seeing our friends get upset or people getting unncessarily personal, even bad-mouthing NMP which I really DO NOT agree with.

All I'm saying is lets try and get some of the love back :hugs:

I've had so much support off of this site, and it makes me really upset when people feel they have to leave or they don't want to visit as often because of these squabbles and bad feelings.

:blush: Just a thought. xxx

21-02-11, 10:31
I agree - life is too short to be nasty and pick fights, and this site is a great support tool.

Let's respect each other, this site and Nicola's kindness.

Nicola has put an awful lot of work into this site, funds it herself to support anxiety sufferers, not to make money from us.

Being kind makes you feel good too!!!!

21-02-11, 10:40
It's hard because I can see where everybody is coming from. But i also think a lot of people just take take take and when people are giving so much this can be very frustrating.

But on the other hand.. if somebody isn't listening.. what's the point in shouting on deaf ears? It's better to just save your energy and use your kindness for somebody who will appreciate it. :shrug:

It's all about respect. Our frustration about general issues should definitely not be taken out on each other.

Hugs Ditzy xx :hugs:

21-02-11, 11:55
I agree AP - if someone doesn't hear you the first time, why should they hear you the 100th time? There are a lot of people that get over-looked on here sometimes, while others seem to get all the attention. If all this attention miraculously helped them recover I would understand, but it doesn't - and in some ways just feeds their anxiety.

Last night poor Nic had to deal with several arguments on here and I sometimes wonder what she gets out of this - apart from hassle lol.

21-02-11, 12:15
Completely agree MM.

I love giving people advice on here and trying to help. I'm guilty of trying to help those who don't listen too and getting frustrated with them when I should just stay clear. It's not the fact that they keep posting that annoys me - every one is in different states of anxiety here - but that they don't take any notice of the advice given, which does make us all shrug and say "what more do you want us to do?"

:shrug: x x x

21-02-11, 12:24
Hey guys

I totally agree with all of this, I really thiink that it best to post nothing rather than me cruel to other members.
I really struggle to know what to do when I see certain people posting continuously, do I reply even though I think constant reassurance will not help or do I not reply. I find it really distressing though when when no one replies and the the poster writes more and more posts about their symptons. I'm not really sure what we are meant to say. I try to help but when the poster doesnt listen and then makes no apparent effort to help themselves I feel at a loss about what to do.

21-02-11, 13:23
Hi Kelly,

I completely agree with you.. I struggle with it too. You just end up feeling at a loss. I guess it's at that point that members who haven't replied to them before can step in with their advice, so we aren't left feeling frustrated, but the person isn't left without anybody posting for them.

It's just sad to see all the arguments that keep springing up all over the place :unsure:.. especially when we are all here to support each other!

:hugs: x x

22-02-11, 13:09
Almost found myself not taking my own advice and getting frustrated with somebody on a thread! But no, tongue bitten. :)

22-02-11, 13:24
well done allergyphobia!! it is so hard not to get wound up sometimes:D

22-02-11, 13:32
Just found the old frustration creeping in too. Deep breaths :yesyes:

22-02-11, 13:42
I agree and the most frustating part is members only see the arguments that go on on the forum, Nic and us Admins have to deal with alot of behind the scenes too, whether it be Chat Room issues, private messages and emails of complaints.

I can understand we all have different views and opinions, and that is perfectly normal, what upsets me is when it becomes personal and people get emotionally upset.

But in general, we have a great deal of fantastic members who are a great deal of support to those who genuinely need it, i personally have made some fantastic friends of who i see in person, so all in all, all the good NMP does far outweighs some of the arguments that go on.

Well done on this thread, its refreshing to see today :D

22-02-11, 14:20
Thanks all :hugs:

Completely agree with you Diane. There are so many of us here we are bound to be disagree. This is a forum and we should always be allowed to say our opinion on different issues and those are bound to be conflicting! It's hard when people take their opinion as correct and refuse to accept different things help different people... and this leads to all the upset, it's just not necessary!

This site is lovely. I've never met any of you, but I feel like I have and feel like I have so much support here, and I try to give some of that back too.

Anyway how is the catering going? I'm famished over here! :D


22-02-11, 14:25
I've got a buffet for a 60th to do on Saturday and i've got two Christenings to cater for, i'll rustle you up some grub and send it to you :D

22-02-11, 14:28
wOO HOooooOOO!! inspirational x

22-02-11, 14:39