View Full Version : My daughters proud of me.

Granny Primark
21-02-11, 11:49
As many of you know I turned to that demon drink everytime I had a problem. And my God ive had my share of them like everyone else these last few years.
Finishing work 5 years ago cus of panic and anxiety (brought on by working too many hours, often 60 hours a week or even more) left me with agrophobia, lack of self confidence and self worth and too much time for me to dwell on my probs.
In order to be able go shopping with my hubby id have a can of lager, then it would be a glass of wine and before I knew what was happening it became a drink everytime something upset me.
A drink made me sleep and when I was sleeping I wasnt hurting.
Then one Thurseday morning 3 months ago I woke up and realised I wasnt living I was existing.
I sought help. It was difficult cus I felt so ashamed of myself. I used to look down on people that drank.
Its been really tough going and still isnt easy. But ive got a brill counsellor who has helped me so much and been so supportive.
Giving me brill advice. i.e. if id have a glass of wine and it was 11% volume have a glass that was 9%.
3 weeks ago I became ill because I havent been eating for weeks.
Ive spent most of the time in bed cus I was so weak. If your not eating properly you are prone to viral infections that cant be treated they just go on their own.
The nurse has been brill giving me great advice and slowly im begining to eat. Only little bits. i.e. trifle,ice cream, rice pudding, cuppa soup and also drinking complan.
But something good has come out of this.
The drinking has virtually stopped!:D
I have a cup of tea with a drop of whiskey in every morning and at night I have a glass of guiness with blackcurrent.
I dont gulp it, I just sip it.
My daughter txt me yesterday saying she was soooo proud of me. She said its great to have her best mate back! I cried my eyes out. How could I have been so stupid and selfish.
I adore my daughters 3 year old katie. Shes the love of my life. I never drank when I was looking after her.
I drank cus I couldnt cope with probs.
Id always coped before and was anti drinking so goodness knows why I suddenly changed.
I can ring my counsellor any time. I rang him last week and told him I was frightened that when I am fully recovered I might turn to drink again.
He reasured me that he wouldnt let me.
He said the counselling and support was there for as long as I needed it.
I feel blessed.
Hopefully some good may come of this and in time I would like to be of help to others. I need to be needed.
There is nothing id like better cus I was a carer for 20 years both in nursing homes and in the community.
I try not to think of the future regarding drink. I just take each day at a time.

margaret jones
21-02-11, 12:01
Lynn how lovely to hear you are making progress I am so glsd for you and your family that you found the strength to face your demons .
We miss you at NMP but you must come first and regain your confidence and realise how valued you are by your friends and loved ones .
Keep getting better thinking of you often email me anytime hun xxxxxxx

21-02-11, 12:08
You're doing fantastic Lynn and I'm so glad you have your daughter's support. To know she sees such a difference in you must be a huge encouragement :hugs:

21-02-11, 13:09

What a lovely post, I never cease to be amazed on this site at how strong people are in sharing their honesty.

You are doing incredibly well and have every reason to feel proud. Taking one day at a time is a great way to deal with life, you can really enjoy the here and now.

Who knows what the future holds but in my experience, once you decide to make changes in your life new opportunities come your way.

Don't try to do too much too soon.

You are very special and deserve fun, love and to be happy again, and we are here to support you every step of the wayx

Granny Primark
21-02-11, 13:49
Pass me the bog roll.:weep::weep::weep:
The members of this site never cease to amaze me.
You can have loads of money, fancy homes, fabulous hols but there is nothing better than having the love and support from others.
This site provides that.
Thank you nic, admin and members.
Cus my goodness ive had loads this last few years from this site.

21-02-11, 21:00
What a lovely post.. it shines out of you that drink doesn't come anywhere near the feeling that your daughter has given you in saying that she's proud of you.. what better incentive than that to give it up. I feel so happy for you x

paula lynne
21-02-11, 21:13
Oh Lynn I just saw this post.....what an incredible woman you are. Your story has touched my heart.:weep:
Your honesty has made me face up to my own problems again, I thank you for that. The drink has become a problem once again for me, the bottle of wine on a sunday, the bottle of wine on a wednesday, but Ive started to drink again before going out anywhere cos of anx and agrophobia, and I need to knock that on the head. This is not the way to recover.:blush:

Im so glad you are doing so well, Im immensely proud of you. I hope you get back on your feet with your eating very soon, sending you lots of hugs and love. Way to go Granny x:hugs:

Granny Primark
22-02-11, 02:35
Hi paula,
Thanks for the support and good wishes.:hugs::hugs:
I rang the docs and they gave me the phone number of a place called adsis. And trust me they have been absolutely brill.
I could not have done this without there advice and support.
If anyone would like there email addy or their phone number pse feel free to pm me.
Thanks again.

22-02-11, 03:48
So so pleased for you Lynn:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:


So great that your daughter is with you on this:yesyes::yesyes:



22-02-11, 19:30
You sound like you are doing so well and I an not surprised that your daughter is proud of you!
I grew up with an alcoholic mum and she died 2 years ago. She would never admit she had a problem.
You are addressing the problem and trying to give up drinking. You are on your way to recovery if you are doing this.
It is never easy giving up drinking. I know I drink too much red wine!
I am sure your whole family is very proud of you.
Sending you a lot of hugs and wishing you all the best.


22-02-11, 22:50
What fabulous positive news Lynn,welldone hunny, small steps r the best way to go and u doing great, big hugs xx Donna xx

26-02-11, 08:17
well done lynn im very proud of ya bell xxx