View Full Version : week ahead...

02-04-06, 13:38
urgh does anyone else hate sundays and that dreaded week ahead feeling? i start anticipating things that could happen and the worry of 5 long days in work.....X

Maura Brosnan
02-04-06, 14:16
Hi there,

yes same as you, as soon as sunday pm hits, my anxiety heightens thinking of the week ahead. I'm dreading this week in particualar because I havn't been at work since last Tues and am dreading the morn in case my anxiety rises too far for me to concentrate. I always dread Weds and Fris because they are my days off and I'm at home alone with the kids and my coping skills with them just aren't what they used to be. My husband is away overnight on Thurs with work...don't even want to think about that. Then next weekend my nephew is being christened and I'm godmother! Love the honour of being asked but dreading the day in case I panic in front of everyone. My god this actually seems daft as I'm typing it...I used never be like this! I know the worst thing us panic sufferers can do is to futureise and the best thing to do is to just stay in the present but it's so hard isn't it! Anyway Kigray here's hoping we have a good week, keep me posted as to how yours is going. I'm starting CBT on Wed so really hoping that will help

02-04-06, 15:31
Hi Kirgray, I hate Sundays as I am always rushing around trying to get the kids stuff ready for school next day and making sure they have everything they need, I also hate Mondays for the same reason but I do feel better once Monday is over and then start looking ahead to Friday because I know I haven't got to get kids up for school the next day. I am particularly anxious today as my 5 year old son has to go into hospital in the morning to have 5 teeth out under general anaesthetic and I hate hospitals and don't know how he will react once he gets there, I am also due to give birth on 22nd April and am terrified it could happen any day and every twinge I get I keep thinking is this it!!!
Hope your week goes well.
take care
Love Lisaxx

02-04-06, 15:44
hello kirgray - i don't actually mind the working week!! i enjoy my job and even though i am exhausted and dizzy at the end of each day i find teaching stops me thinking about the anxiety etc - i guess its because its such an intense job. my dreaded feelings start at the weekend, when i'm not busy and start brooding on the anxiety and symptoms! Try to have a good week!
Love Helen