View Full Version : Hugs for Harrogate Chris

21-02-11, 13:20
Chris is on a huge roller coaster this week, and I know he will be struggling to get to friday.

Can we send him lots of hugs, he has done so well with his recovery but is being tested big time.

:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bigh ug1:

21-02-11, 13:23
:bighug1:Sending you strength and Hugs Chris .You are doing well ,dont forget that .Luv Sue :bighug1::bighug1:xx

21-02-11, 13:25
Don't forget how far you have come Chris... I may not have posted on your thread but have been following your journey... Stay strong and we are all here to support you! :hugs:

21-02-11, 13:50

jo h
21-02-11, 14:15
Good luck honey .......I am not familiar with your story as quite new here but I wish you all the best ..stay strong xxx


Hazel B
21-02-11, 14:16
Stay strong, you can beat it.


paula lynne
21-02-11, 14:29
Hi Chris, Im sorry you are struggling at the moment. Youve make enormous progress in a short time, you should be reminded that this is a fantastic achievement. I know you will be using all the tools in your arsenal to get back on track, keep going and you will get through this. Sending you big cwtches xxxx:hugs:

21-02-11, 17:08
Sending you positive thoughts Chris

21-02-11, 17:23
new here too

but recognise a good un when I read
so :hugs::hugs:
sending positive wishes to you x

21-02-11, 17:48
Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. I send you lots of positive thoughts and know you will get through.

Take care of you.

21-02-11, 17:59
Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear your struggling, sending you big hugs and hope you feel better soon.

21-02-11, 18:41

But exciting times ahead Chris! XXX

24-02-11, 18:39
Hi Chris,

I thought I would send you a big hug and well done for going to work. It has been very hard for you. Good luck with your new life(sorry couldn't think of what other word I was going to say). My mind has gone blank silly me.
