View Full Version : inner trembling when at rest?

21-02-11, 13:22
ok. basically at night mostly when im relaxing and tryna sleep sometimes (the past few nights) i get this odd inner trmbling feeling and it feels like my body is shaking! is this an anxiety symptom? i find wen it happens i get really worked up frightened it might be seizures etc etc

21-02-11, 14:04
i get this too. and occasion i wake up in panic cos of the trembling x

21-03-11, 21:02
It amazes me that when something happens to me that hasn't happened before, I come on to the site and generally someone is talking about the very thing that is bothering me! The shakes happened to me last night, but I was also dreaming at the same time...I think....I know I was scared because I remember calling for my mother.....and she has been dead for 40 years and I am in my 60s! I thought I was dying and was saying something like " take me now, if its going to happen, let it happen now". I don't know what was dream and what was real but when I first woke from it I didn't even remember all this, it was a few minutes later it came back to me, and of course I was full of high anxiety for the rest of the night and just slept fitfully and feeling dreadful when I kept on waking, lasted most of the morning. Not pleasant at all.

24-03-11, 23:39
Yep its crap . I wake up regular at 2 am and 4 am ish . Stomach in a spasm and sweating ??? I also feel on edge is the only way to describe it .
It wares off after a few hours at work . Why it happens i,ve no idea ????

Years ago at our old house i woke up at my regular 7.00 am alarm clock radio time , to a burning smell . I looked out of the window and a works unit had gone up in smoke , i mean it wasn,t there anymore :ohmy:
All the nosey old gits , sorry i mean neighbours had been up all night with fire engines flashing , sirens going and the police there.

Me and my wife had slept through the lot :roflmao:

I now wake up at the slightest noise .

25-03-11, 16:45
Yep its crap . I wake up regular at 2 am and 4 am ish . Stomach in a spasm and sweating ??? I also feel on edge is the only way to describe it .

I get this all the time any time of day or night just below my ribs like a tight squeezing pain i usually describe it like am walking around tensing my stomach all day and i just feel dead scared (but what of? ) but tthe tight squeezing feeling in my belly is the worse as i don't eat i just lose all appetite am losing to much weight (have that squeezing now have for past few hours just made myself eat 2small rounds of toast with marmalade & a pack of snack a jacks which is god for me as i never usually eat

16-04-11, 13:38
this is something I have every night, like a vibration buzzing inside its horrible