View Full Version : Is there treatment available for psychosomatic illnesses?

21-02-11, 13:38
I suffer from a lot of psychosomatic illnesses and am currently suffering from overactive bladder, which in my case I believe may be psychosomatic. Firstly, I don't mean psychosomatic as in "imagined" as that's not what psychosomatic means - it's a physical malfunction that is initially caused by emotional distress. For example, many cases of alopecia are psychosomatic.

I'm a bit annoyed that if a physical doctor decides something is psychosomatic they just send me home without referring me to anyone. I have then in the past asked for therapy but the therapist always says that the physical symptoms are physical and sends me back to a physician!

The nature of the psychosomatic illnesses changes every couple of years but they are very real and do cause a lot of bother in my life. The last time I went to a therapist about a psychosomatic illness it was that I would suddenly fall and forget how to speak or move - as in I would feel paralysed and I would find it difficult to physically form words as well as get very confused when trying to construct sentences, which made it very difficult to communicate. This did not coincide with panic or stressful situations, it would just suddenly happen for no reason. I had to be checked for epilepsy because the therapist was adament that this was not psychological but when the neurologist said I was fine I received no help.

I'm now expecting the same to happen with my bladder. If it turns out to have a psychological cause I'm worried I'll just be sent home with no help. The problem affects me every day all day long (but tellingly, not at night) and I have no way of controlling it. I've tried, for instance, trying to convince myself the feeling is not there or I've tried distracting myself but nothing seems to work.

Does anybody have any advice in case I end up being discharged for it being psychological? I don't want to be just left alone with this AGAIN! This sort of thing has happened for years and neither the physical nor psychological doctors seem to want anything to do with it!


22-02-11, 01:12
Hi Hara, I suffer from overactive bladder and there are definitely treatments for it. If your doc says yo have OAB, please ask him or her what they can give you for it and don't be brushed off. Personally I'm on Detrusitol XL and it's good. I've never had side effects from it either xx

22-02-11, 08:24
Jane. Thanks for replying. It's ok, I am being treated and it appears to have worked to a certain extent. I'm more just worried that if they find no physical cause they will say it is in my mind and then no one will offer help. I might be just worrying too much about this! So far they seem to think its physical. I have orgasm incontinence as well (sorry, TMI!) so that's definitely physical. It' s just the fear my mind could be doing this, particularly as it seems to be common among anxiety sufferers. If they decide its my mind will they stop treating me?

22-02-11, 13:05

If they decide its my mind will they stop treating me?

I don't think so Hara, it's not a case of it being in your mind, it's a physical symptom which can have stress or anxiety as its cause. I had a cystoscopy at one point and there was nothing "organically' wrong but they didn't stop my meds, just changed me to a newer and more effective version. You really shouldn't have anything to worry about IMO xx

22-02-11, 13:08
Thanks Jane,
That's really relieving :)

22-02-11, 13:14
Hiya i suffer with urethral syndrome a very rare condition...I was told there was nothing wrong with me until i changed Gyni/urology consultant...The best thing i ever did!I saw a top specialist in Birmingham and he did some tests and a cystoscopy and was able to diagnose urethral syndrome,my urethra was severely inflammed...One thing the doctor told me though was that stress can make any bladder condition alot worse,or even flare it up again....But there is treatments for all sorts of bladder conditions and they can really help with the symptoms...Have you seen a consultant..?? if he hasn't been helpful i would ask ur gp to refer you to a different consultant!

22-02-11, 13:18
does urethral symptom produce swelling externally? I have that and it's very uncomfortable (between urethral and vaginal opening, sorry if TMI). I was wondering if my OAB had caused it or something else.

Is there a cure for urethral syndrome?

My consultant is very good. They have been extremely kind and the medication they have given me is working well. I just constantly worry that there will be no cure! It's had a very big effect on my life and I just can't wait for it to be over so I can start doing some of the things I used to enjoy again!

22-02-11, 13:47
does urethral symptom produce swelling externally? I have that and it's very uncomfortable (between urethral and vaginal opening, sorry if TMI). I was wondering if my OAB had caused it or something else.

Is there a cure for urethral syndrome?

My consultant is very good. They have been extremely kind and the medication they have given me is working well. I just constantly worry that there will be no cure! It's had a very big effect on my life and I just can't wait for it to be over so I can start doing some of the things I used to enjoy again!

Theres no a cure for urethral syndrome but it can go away....but also flare up again to! I had urethral syndrome constantly for 2yrs after the birth of my third child 8yrs ago...Then it went away for five yrs!But unfortunately it returned in october 2010...But least theres a few treatments to keep it under control....I take alpha blockers which relax the urethra and keep the symptoms to minimal its a miracle drug really as alot of other treatments just didn't work for me but least now when i get a flare up i know i can take the alpha blockers and get alot of relief!...

Symptoms of urethral syndrome- Urgency to pass urine (but no leakage)
Intense pubic pain,burning when passing urine and after...
Blood in the urine from inflammation or urethra
spasams of the urethra and inflammation...Infection in the urethra...but not always present.Often infection causes it to flare!but stress can make it feel a hundred times worse and cause a flare to...
The bladder is usually seen to be healthy its seen as a urethral condition only........Hope this helps x

22-02-11, 20:36
Theres no a cure for urethral syndrome but it can go away....but also flare up again to! I had urethral syndrome constantly for 2yrs after the birth of my third child 8yrs ago...Then it went away for five yrs!But unfortunately it returned in october 2010...But least theres a few treatments to keep it under control....I take alpha blockers which relax the urethra and keep the symptoms to minimal its a miracle drug really as alot of other treatments just didn't work for me but least now when i get a flare up i know i can take the alpha blockers and get alot of relief!...

Symptoms of urethral syndrome- Urgency to pass urine (but no leakage)
Intense pubic pain,burning when passing urine and after...
Blood in the urine from inflammation or urethra
spasams of the urethra and inflammation...Infection in the urethra...but not always present.Often infection causes it to flare!but stress can make it feel a hundred times worse and cause a flare to...
The bladder is usually seen to be healthy its seen as a urethral condition only........Hope this helps x

Thanks for letting me know :) Fortunately I have no pain so it seems it won't be that. Stupidly I haven't told any of the docs I am swollen and that it's sensitive because they've done gynaecological examinations and I thought that if there was anything there they would have seen it, so I felt stupid saying. I'm back next month so I'll have to let them know then. I'm rubbish around doctors! If they say: "It's this" (pointing to wrong area) I say "ok" then get angry at myself for not telling them the sensations are coming from somewhere else!

Ne'ermind. I'll take a list of problems with me next time to help me get everything out!