View Full Version : Breast lump

21-02-11, 18:26
I'm new to this site but having a panic as I found a lump on my Breast about 2 weeks ago, I went to the doctor last Wednesday and he has referred me to a breast clinic, he wasn't overly concerned (he didn't seem to be bothered at all with me) due to my age (I'm 31) and said I will get an appointment through in the next 2 to 3 weeks.
I'm so stressed about it though!!
I keep feeling the lump and totally panicking, I'm also constantly googling info on it, everyone is telling me it will be fine but i just think the worst ( I think the worst if I get a cold!)
It's sometimes there and sometimes I can't feel it, just wondered if anyone could give me any advice?!
Before I go mad :) x

22-02-11, 01:10
I would take some reassurance from the fact that your doctor didn't seem too concerned. There is more chance of it being a cyst than anything bad and I have heard of lots of people being referred to the breast clinic and it being something completely benign. In fact, when I was 16 I found a lump and was referred straight away, had a needle biopsy and it turned out to be a fibroadenoma (which is kind of a cyst). At the time I was terrified but apparently they are very common, I ended up having mine removed as it was quite large.

Hope everything goes well with your appointment xxx

22-02-11, 08:36
I found a lump last year and was referred to the breast clinic. I also had discharge coming from my left nipple too. It turned out that the lump was just fibrous (spelt wrong I think!) tissue and the discharge is quite a common thing and isn't indicative of anything serious.

I spent weeks thinking the worst, got myself in such a state that I burst into tears every time I looked at my kids and it turned out to be nothing! I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry, I'm sure you'll be fine.

K xx