View Full Version : I can't swallow

21-02-11, 18:38
Hi Everyone,

I've suffered with panic attacks/anxiety for almost 8 years now. It did get better for a while (never went completely) but now it seems to be back worse than ever.

The symptom I'm experiencing now is that I can't swallow..It feels like I've forgotten how to do it. Theres no pain, but it feels like theres phlegm at the back of my nose/in my throat....

Over the last few days I've barely eaten, I'm even struggling to swallow liquids. Its as if I'm telling myself that I won't be able to swallow anything, then I have to try and fidget about or lean forward to swallow the tiniest amount of food or drink.

I have had difficulty swallowing before with my anxiety, but never this bad. The weird thing is that I was talking to a woman who used to have anxiety & she said her main symptom was "not being able to swallow anything". Surely her saying that can't have triggered this off can it???

I would really appreciate any help or advice

Thanks for reading

21-02-11, 19:34
I,ve had the feeling of phelm at the back of my throat and feel like i can,t swallow at times . Also the globus feeling and food feeling like its stuck in my back .
Had it for months now . Theres a full section dedicated to it on here so it shows how common it is .

21-02-11, 19:37
How rude of me ....forgot to say :welcome:

Heres the dedicated section . I,m sure i,ve also read that over produceing mucus/phelm is also a sign of anxiety , mines that sticky at times when i cough it up its no wonder it feels stuck

