View Full Version : time for me to give up?

21-02-11, 22:15
I have been trying so hard to get through this for ages! And I cannot cope anymore :'( life is so hard! And I've been through so much pain, I cannot go through anymore!
Do bullies ever realise what they can cause people to do? Do they care? :'(

I give up!
You haven't even known me long, and you don't know everything I've been through :(
Love Beth xxxx

21-02-11, 22:23
Aw Beth, please don't give up I don't know you and I don't know anything about you but I'm always here if you need to talk. You mentioned bullies? Bullies are cowards hun no other word to describe them. Please don't give up :hugs:

paula lynne
21-02-11, 22:23
I care Beth x

Why dont you start at the beginning and tell us your story. Break it down into managable sections, maybe a post every other day? Sharing and getting off your chest is sure to help you. Please dont give up. You are unique, individual, and worthy. We are all here ready to listen.......please Beth dont give up on you.

Can you ring a friend right now? Go for some fresh air to clear your head? x

paula lynne
21-02-11, 22:25
Sammi is so right, bullies are cowards. I was bullied in Junior school and still remember it like it was yesterday...it was 30 years ago! So I understand how it can affect you.
I wonder if councelling would help you Beth? x

21-02-11, 22:28
Hey Beth

Bullies are usually very insecure people who make themselves feel better by making other people feel bad-don't let a group of people like that win.
Life is precious and you have as much right to a happy and long life as anyone else, please dont give up :hugs:

21-02-11, 22:30
I know its hard beth but never give up and let the bullies win because do you know what you are bigger and better than they could ever dream of been you really are:) I agree with paula I wonder if councelling would help you. X

21-02-11, 22:37
Thank you all for your support but I've been trying hard for too long :(
For the people that don't know I've been bullied for more than 6 years, I've had various counsellors, I've been involved with the police for being a danger to myself..
I've tried lots of support none of it works for me sadly :( xxxx

paula lynne
21-02-11, 22:39
Beth, I really think you shouldnt be alone tonight. Can you call someone to come over? Are you alone now?
Maybe going into chat would be a good idea for an hour...? x

21-02-11, 22:47
I don't think bullies realise what they put people through if I'm honest and its so sad to see someone feel this way because of an other person/people they should be ashamed of there selfs. paulas right hun could you call someone to come over to keep you company x

21-02-11, 22:50
Beth you must talk to your Parents and explain what you are going through.Nothing should make you feel like this ..Things can be done .Even if it means you have to change schools .There are procedures that should be in place at your school to guard aginst this from happening .I see by another post you have told a teacher .? Dont give up on yourself sweetheart you have a whole life to live .This will get sorted out but you must tell your family ,also what and how it is making you feel . Bullies are weak and usually have low self esteem .Please do something to stop them .They need stopping and they are the ones that should be punished not you .Dont do anything silly Beth . Your parents would be so upset to know you are feeling like this and hav'nt told them . Take care and good luck luv Sue xx.:hugs:

21-02-11, 22:52
I can't :( xx

paula lynne
21-02-11, 22:54
Talk to us Beth.
Would you tell us your story? I promise we wont judge you. Even if youre on here for a couple of hours, there are always members who can support you x
Just start at the beginning. I know its hard, but Im sure it will help to let it all out honey. x

21-02-11, 22:54
Cannot talk to teachers, might make it worse :'(
I hate this :'( my parents already know how I feel sometimes, the police told them :(


21-02-11, 22:58
Beth you must talk to your Parents and explain what you are going through.Nothing should make you feel like this ..Things can be done .Even if it means you have to change schools .There are procedures that should be in place at your school to guard aginst this from happening .I see by another post you have told a teacher .? Dont give up on yourself sweetheart you have a whole life to live .This will get sorted out but you must tell your family ,also what and how it is making you feel . Bullies are weak and usually have low self esteem .Please do something to stop them .They need stopping and they are the ones that should be punished not you .Dont do anything silly Beth . Your parents would be so upset to know you are feeling like this and hav'nt told them . Take care and good luck luv Sue xx.:hugs:

Beth I agree with everything sue has said, I have a little girl and it would break my heart to find out she was feeling like this and suffering alone. Please speak to your parents you don't have to do this alone. Xx

21-02-11, 23:00
I can't speak to my parents :'( sorry xxxx

21-02-11, 23:01
Beth we are all here for you.....Please don't give up...

Talk to us...we will listen and try and help you x

21-02-11, 23:02
Well I wont ask why Hun .But its not your fault ,no one will blame you .Did you ring the Number someone gave you on your other thread ? You can always go and see the Teacher again .Somone must be told whats going on ..Have you a close friend or family member who could go with you ? Schools must do something and arent allowed to let this happen .. Sue x:hugs:

21-02-11, 23:03
I don't know what to say :( xxxx

21-02-11, 23:06
No I didn't phone the number, I have tried them before and they didn't really help
The reason why I am not going to tell my parents is because they don't understand, I've told them about the bullying, they didn't really believe me, they just say 'oh ignore them' so I'm like 'how am I supposed to ignore them?!?!' I've given up trying to help them understand how bad this is.

21-02-11, 23:07
Just start at the beginning and tell them what has been happening to you and how bad it has been making you feel. People will be able to help you.

21-02-11, 23:08
I've given up trying to get better though, so nothing will help me even If I try :( xxxx

21-02-11, 23:09
You are 16-you will be leaving school soon and then you will be away from the bullies.

21-02-11, 23:10
Its not about the bullies anymore, its more about my very strong urges xxxx

21-02-11, 23:12
Then why dont you try and discuss that with your parents?

21-02-11, 23:13
I can't, because its too hard for me to talk about it with them, and because they are asleep xxxx

paula lynne
21-02-11, 23:25
Is there a specific helpline you could call, maybe tomorrow Beth?
Dont give up on getting better. Youve got your whole life ahead of you, a life where the bullies and the urges will be a distant memory.
This is not how your life will always be. I promise you x Thank you for your PM, your more than welcome x:bighug1:

21-02-11, 23:41
Beth is there any chance you could book urself an appointment with ur gp doctor..?? ask for a female if you don't want a man....Maybe a friend could go with you....You could talk to the doc about the way ur feeling...A gp doctor will listen and will try and help you with ur urges ect

But in the meantime were all here for you...so please don't hesitate to pm me ok

Helen x

21-02-11, 23:46
I have been to my GP, they just referred me to the therapist I have now, who doesn't help me at all, because they think there is nothing wrong with me..

Thank you for your support everyone

22-02-11, 00:10
Hi Beth

Please, Please speak to your parents again in the morning and explain to them very clearly how you are feeling. Your parents will support you if they know the way you are feeling. Please also speak to your therapist about how you feel and if that makes no difference ask to be referred elsewhere. You have a ful happy life in front of you when these feelings pass over time with the correct help and support. Keep posting on here for support in the meantime and I too am here if you need anything. :)

22-02-11, 00:11
Beth, you need to ask your GP then to refer you to a different therapist, if the one you are seeing now is not helping you!
Everything is fixable...doesn't matter how low we get and how badd we feel, there is always a solution to our problems, whether its seeing a therapist, taking medication or other forms of treatment...like others said, bullies are cowards...the biggest once around, and I know its hard to not let them get to you...( I have been there too when I was younger!)
Is it possible for you to change schools, start fresh somewhere, where no-one knows you?
I think you really need to sit down and have a long talk with your parents about all this.....let them know exactly how you feel, like you've told all of us...don't hold back...you need to get through to them that you have a problem with this and can't deal with it on your own...you need their support!
In the meantime...you have all of us sweetheart...we are all here for you...
Good Luck and keep us posted!

22-02-11, 00:28
Thank you to everyone who says they are here for me! :)

Patty, I don't have long left in school so there is no point in changing schools just for a short time, will just try and cope with them
I'm still sorry to say that I won't be able to sit down with my parents and tell them how I feel :( would rather them not knowing anymore xxxx

22-02-11, 00:31
u will be ok my darling do what ur mind is telling you hope your ok good luck x

22-02-11, 00:35
I have been to my GP, they just referred me to the therapist I have now, who doesn't help me at all, because they think there is nothing wrong with me..

Thank you for your support everyone

Beth ask ur gp to change ur therapist...ur entitled to do that....x

22-02-11, 00:39
Rather confused by being told to do what my mind is telling me to do :/ xxxx

blue moon
22-02-11, 00:59
Dear Beth.....Bullies are cowards:mad:I know how it feels to be bullied.You really should talk to Mum and Dad.I suffered from bullies when i first arrived in Aus and I am older than you,but it still feels the same.Stay positive and know you are beautifull person You will get through this,I know I am survivor of bullies.
Love Petra xxxx:bighug1:

22-02-11, 01:24
I'm not sure I should suggest this or what other people will think but if I had a daughter at school feeling as you are because of bullies, I wouldn't think bad of her for not attending school because to me her safety and wellbeing would be more important to me than her education. Besides that, if she wasn't attending, I'd be forced but I'd Want to listen to her concerns in front of a counsellor Together as I'd want to help her and keep her Safe.

There are so many years away from bullies when you'll be able to enjoy yourself and lost education can always wait when others can't or won't hear you.:bighug1: