02-04-06, 16:19
I had a really bad day yesterday, loads and loads of weird missed beats, some 'sharp' some like my heart was shuddering just loads of weird feelings. I really hate these things!

I've had them again over the last couple of weeks or so, even though I am taking my propranalol. Why do I still get them, even though i'm taking beta-blockers????

I did go out on Friday night with my hubby and I was a bit hungover yesterday, so I suppose that would have made yesterdays feelings worse than ever but I am worried that they are something more sinister......I have got my appt at the hospital in June, but even scared about that. My doc said he was doing it so I could get reassurance again but I'm really scared in case theres something wrong. I was reading someones post the other day, who had the same symptoms but did have something wrong with him (i think they were male) and they'd been given the same sort of treatment as TonyBlair and I can remember worrying about that back then. How do I know that isn't what I've got, because I get them so much and have had them for so long?

Sorry to go on about the same thing, again!!!

Love, Linda.xxx

02-04-06, 18:12
hi, just to reassure you. i went out on friday night first time in a month, guess what? spent all day yesterday hung over and with palpatations. Last year my doctor told me that alchohol is a chemical and causes palpatations in most people its just that we feel it more because our bodies are so sensitised. It is scary though. It can be worse because you may have had less sleep than normal and that can cause palpatations. If you are already on beta blockers your doctor must have examined you, this is anxiety nothing else, although I know it feels like there is more.

take care Maxine

02-04-06, 22:00
hey hun, I get the palpatations, but only just recently! If I feel ill or sleeping these get worse. Try to to worry and staying calm will help! my sister also has them and doesnt suffer from anxiety and has been tested and the Dr found nothing wrong with her! so try not to worry!

02-04-06, 22:18
hi lin
i get missed heart beats all the time every day some are realy strong some just like a fluttering feeling ,i have had them for six years i get them when i am stressed and when i am calm .
i have been to the docs loads and he says they are fine and told me he gets them some days
i think they are a lot to do with hormons and monthlys if i am that time of the month about two weeks befor my heart gose mad and they happen all day and night it realy dose help to not think about them when they are hapening [hard i know] i get them when i bend down or just move they are nasty .
try not to panic as this makes them worse
jo xx

03-04-06, 11:39
Thanks for the replies. I know I was probably worse on Saturday because of the alcohol from the night before, but in general, they do scare me.

I'm also trying really hard to stop smoking again, I haven't had a cigarette for 48hrs and my craving at the moment is REALLY BAD. I've just found out my husbands uncle has had a baby boy (well his partner) and that was when I felt like I really needed one. I have got down to maximum of 5 a day (except for Friday when I was out, but I think because I smoked so much then, thats how I found it easier to to stop from Saturday, because I just didn't want one) but now I really, really want one. My mother in law said that sometimes you're better off to have the cigarette than get in such a state wanting one!!! Oh well, I'll keep trying not to go and buy any. I have been to the shop already today and resisted, so I'm doing well, just wish I didn't want one. I don't think I need patches because I smoke so few and the gums have given me hiccups and a migraine so I don't want to risk them either.

I'm at home today because my little boy had a temperature all weekend, but I'm so bored! Also, he's absolutely fine today and could have gone to school afterall, but I just needed to make sure he was ok.

Better shut up now, rambling on again.
Love, Linda