View Full Version : Please help ;(

22-02-11, 00:14
I'm on my second day of sertraline, cannot sleep at all and am hearing and seeing things, please help me I don't know what to do.

22-02-11, 00:23
Hi Alicesouthon,
I have been back on sertraline for 2 weeks now, and still not feeling 100%. The first week or so on it is the worst and you will feel worse before you start feeling better! There are the side effects of depersonalization, fuzzy head, headaches, insomnia, tiredness, loss of appetite, diarrohea, high anxiety, and depression. You may get all of these or none! Everyone is different....I had some side effects for about a week, but started to ease up after that. Whatever you do, don't stop taking your meds because you feel worse....like I said, you will feel worse before you start to feel better, you just need to persevere and work through it...rest a little when you need to, go for a walk, etc...just keep yourself a little busy and in no time you feel start to feel better!
Good Luck

22-02-11, 00:27
Thanks patty, it's soo hard though, how quick did ur side effects kick in?

22-02-11, 00:36
The first day wasn't so bad...I found day 3 was the worst! After that though, it starts to get better...just stick to it Alice...you will be fine in no time....I know its hard to imagine, when you feel so bad....but its just a short time in the context of things.
Keep me posted on your progress and I will help you through it as much as I can.

22-02-11, 00:39
Oh no day 3 tomorrow :( , I was really apprehensive as well taking this medication, I thought I wouldn't get any side effects, but no they are soo strong, do you have any tips on getting to sleep, and how is sertraline for you now are you feeling the effects yet? Are you taking it for depression/anxiety? Sorry bout the million questions I'm just really panicking

22-02-11, 02:12
I'm taking it for anxiety...have suffered with it for 9 years now and have been on and off the meds since. I haven't tried anything else except for prozac in the very beginning...lasted 4 days on it....it was really bad! I have had no problems with Zoloft (setraline) and have found it to be really effective in controlling my anxiety! It does take time to work though, and from what I know the side effects aren't as bad as some other meds! I know you feel the side effects are strong, but they will go....just give it afew more days...it will all be worth it! As for sleeping...that will also settle in a few days and you will be able to sleep better...again, its just one of the side effects!
I am now starting to feel much better...alll the side effects are just about gone....still get a little anxious, but its manageable. Sleeping much better, and appetite is back, but not fully...which is a good thing because I've lost 4 kilos! (YAY!)
I know what you mean when you say your panicking about taking the meds....I get the same in the beginning...but when they kick in and start working it is so worth it, just to have that normaility back and be able to do the things that I used to be able to do!
Don't apologise for asking so many questions...its no problem at all.....I will answer whatever I can to the best of my ability and knowledge! We are all here to support each other and let each other know, that we are not alone!
P.S. Keep me posted as to how you are going.
P.S.S. Are you taking it for anixety?

22-02-11, 03:51
I had to call an ambulance in the end, was too much, they said it was just panic, will pm u in morning if that's ok x

22-02-11, 04:43
Thats fine....chin up...you will get through it!
Will wait to here from you!:hugs: