View Full Version : night sweats

22-02-11, 09:38
I keep waking up covered in sweat (nice!) but im cold...could be after a dream but i dont remember them. does anyone else? is it connected to anxiety or do i just need to change my quilt?!

22-02-11, 10:11
Not sure, but i've been having the same problems and yet its not every night, i've changed my quilt a few times.

Sorry this hasn't been much help but just wanted to let you know that you're not on your own with this.

di xx

22-02-11, 10:23
I wake up with wet hair most mornings so I too sweat a lot at night.

22-02-11, 10:24
my sister is like this every night, she says she HAS to have a shower every morning (rather than a bath at night) as she is so sweaty when she wakes up!

22-02-11, 10:26
im the same,, wake up soak but soooooooo cold, ive noticed that it worse when ive been eating crap, ive changed my duvet then was to cold so put the old one back on,, but your defo not on your own.

sorry im not much help, x

22-02-11, 13:15
so im not the only one then, i thought it might be to do with a restless mind leads to weird dreams and ive woken up after a horrible dream in a cold sweat. it might be diet related i guess, im not too hot at night, though i have a heavy winter duvet on.

hmm another weird sympton i guess.

22-02-11, 13:19
Woke today soaked in sweat! but cold....have spoke to my doctor about this and he thinks i may be in th early peri-menopause as my monthly cycle is all over the place....but im only 36 so i'm not convinced!!! so maybe it is anxiety? or meds? god knows ....sorry i'm not much help am i?

22-02-11, 13:52

I also have the same issue and have to shower every morning instead of at night. Weird as I don't rcall any nightmares/dreams etc. My doc says this is common with anxiety...... But aint everything! :yesyes:

22-02-11, 18:30
it has got to be connected to anxiety...or stress, our mind is going to be active when we are asleep isnt it? all the things that run through our minds during the day are still there at night, do you find it worse at night if you cant sleep? going over and over things? i struggle to sleep properly. i have weird dreams and then wake up, sweating!and crying!
i have had good nights sleep, when im in a good mood..or have had a good day.

23-02-11, 12:31
Hi all, think it is anxiety I USED to get soaked in sweat every night, had to shower in the morning etc, I used to sweat all day too and feel the need to change my clothes, I just made sure I put the fluid back in during this time and also I found drinking camomile tea helped, I only get this the odd time now so hang in ther i'm sure it will pass for you too.:)

23-02-11, 15:57
My specialised subject, unfortunately.....since being on Citalopram, I have vivid dreams and wake up several times a night covered in sweat. GP even gave me a blood test to see if I was peri menopausal! :ohmy: I wasn't. :D Last few days, the dreams and sweating are down to once a night so its an improvement. I fear I may have to put up this whilst I am on Cit.