View Full Version : 6months of anxiety -

22-02-11, 09:39
hi everyone - im having a really stressful time at the moment i have just become a parent and moved home all the past 5 weeks, i just feel really lost in myself i have trouble thinking and my mind just seems to be filled full of nonsense and intrusive thoughts and my feelings have all been up and down and i really feel im losing the plot.

I went to the docs a few weeks ago and was given beta blockers which i took for 2 weeks but then they started making my feel so much worst and on edge and i havnt been able to sleep properly for what seems weeks, my partner been pretty good but she is also getting p'ssed off with me walking round in a dream state for much of the day and not helping enough with our baby -

I have suffered with bouts of anxiety in the past which have all past after a few weeks but this has been going on now for almost 6 months and i just dont seem to be getting better - my main symptoms are

blurry vision, light headed, intrusive thoughts and mind chatter, feeling im losing the plot, cant concentrate on work or any sort of task, cant think straight and just dont feel my normal self im also started to avoid situations and becoming worried of everything

I really feel i havnt got the strength to get through it this time, all the things which got my through the previous times dont seem to be working, i know its only me who can get me better but just feel really tired, hopeless and dont know what to do, its like something in my mind doesn't want me to get better, ive lost all my drive, hopes and dreams of the future i feel horrible most of the day and im worried my life is slipping away - any advice or help is greatly received

22-02-11, 09:49
Sounds as though you need to go back to your GP. Beta-blockers are usually helpful for the physical issues connected to anxiety, but of course they don't deal with the cause at all. There are other courses of action that you can take though, ranging from other medication which is designed to help the anxiety (e.g. anti-depressants) to talk therapies which can help kit you out with coping strategies.

However, we're all different and what works for one person may not work so well for another, and if you trawl through the posts on here, people have very strong views on what they think is best.

Your GP is a good starting point though - it sounds as though you're not coping, and the longer that you try and soldier through it alone, the more frustrating you'll find it.

22-02-11, 10:06
i really just don't know whats going on anymore just feel so spaced out, tired and my mind is all over the place, cant seem to concetrate on anything for more than a couple of mins then i just go all spaced out again with thought whirling round my head i cant seem to get a break from it - feel like i should be put in a mental hospital or something i have never felt this way before im so scared of losing control