View Full Version : Blood test - big lump and bruise

22-02-11, 10:00
I had routine blood test this morning and the Dr that did it always leaves me with a big bruise - I have to have blood taken from vein that runs on inner arm from elbow to wrist ( take too long to explain why). He told me to press as hard as I could afterwards and this really hurt but did as he said.

By time I got home and took my coat off I had a big bruise about one half inches in diameter and a big hard lump under the bruise. My arm really hurts if I touch the bruise/lump and when I use my arm my hand aches.

I have had big bruise and bit of a lump before with him but never as bad as this - would the lump be from me pressing so hard on this soft part of my arm??? Or is it hard lump full of leaked blood:wacko:

The lump hasn't got any bigger but I know the bruise will get huge over next week hopefully as the lump goes down. My husband says you get lump with a bruise and he isn't worried and I don't want to ring the Drs because Dr although lovely will def be thinking only I could worry about this but wondered if anyone else had had this after a blood test and should I be worried and ringning the surgery???

22-02-11, 10:54
I'm not that clued up about blood tests but when I had one, I got a huge bruise and my mum has loads of blood tests and I remember seeing her get a lump along with the bruising a few times. If there was anyway you could damage yourself by pressing down as hard as you could afterwards I don't think the doctor would instruct you to do it.

You could always ring the surgery to put your mind 100% at rest, there's no shame in it, it's what the doctor's there for :) xx

P.S Has your muscular chest pain eased up any since you posted about it? xx

22-02-11, 11:13
Thanks for replying - yes the chest pain was def muscular as it went away - its not as painful when I turn over in bed or sit up either as it was so fingers crossed.

I am def not going to have any more blood tests by this Dr - I remember about 6 months ago I was nearly as bad as I am today just the lump was smaller than this time. It really makes your arm ache and hand when you use it - the bruise does not bother me its the hard lump that I don't like.

22-02-11, 11:48
I have rung the surgery and told receptionist who I like and is very effecient that its first time I have had such a big lump after blood test and she said Dr was with a patient but she would ask him and ring me back before 2pm.

Dr has just rung back and said sorry sorry you must have a very fragile vein and the lump is leaked blood:huh: and I will get a massive bruise as the leaked blood disapates ( can't spell) but the lump will go down - he suggested I try pressing on it to stop it getting any bigger but said it was probably too late and I said its too painful and is not getting any bigger.
He did say tongue in cheek that I could show everyone and tell them what the nasty Dr had done to me and he kept saying sorry. At least he now knows!

22-02-11, 23:27
Oh dearr, sounds like quite an ordeal! I hope it goes away for you soon, ouchie things are never nice to put up with and I'm glad you're muscles in your chest have eased up :) xx