View Full Version : i cant cope!!!

22-02-11, 11:47
I have woke up this morning feeling really bad, Im shaking, short of breath, bloated feeling and really on edge. I have been taking saroxat a week today and im feeling worse. I dont feel like doing anything or going out. I cant cope with this and the doctors wont help me!!

22-02-11, 13:00
It could take a few weeks for you to settle on the medication and you could get horrid side effects until then I am afraid

22-02-11, 13:05
It could take a few weeks for you to settle on the medication and you could get horrid side effects until then I am afraid

Totally agree with the above statement

You can feel moe anxious and actually feel worse befor you feel better but its not forever...give it a few wks and you should find the side effects will go....

22-02-11, 15:05
Im in a mess today also...im feel rubbish,sore back and left shoulder,my fear is cancer,i feel i cant cope today.

22-02-11, 17:20
Hi Kelly

I know this is horrible but at times people see an improvement between one and two weeks, although for some it does take longer. If your in the category of the one to two weeks then you may be able to cope better soon as the side effects where off a bit as you're system gets used to them and they start working. Hang in there you've done one week and you'll do another. Take Care.:hugs:

22-02-11, 18:24
Dont give up hope Kelly. I felt soooooo ill 6 months ago i didn't want to carry on. I was depressed anxious, panic stricken so much so that the phone would ring and set me off!!1 I was an absolute mess, i was drinking,i could not sleep, i was on sleeping pills and all sorts, couldn't see a way out. I never thought i would recover from it at all, i wasn't living just exsisting. I felt so very ill. Now i am coming off of Prozac (which has helped wonders) off all sleeping pills, which i was definately add:yahoo::yahoo:icted to. I have stopped drinking have a new job, and work very long hours. I have not had a panic attack for months, i can go out shopping or anywhere without fearing it, and most of all i feel happy andd content for the first time in a very long time. Chin up you WILL get there!!!!!! However hard it is now.

Wishing you luck hunni ...Lori x :roflmao: