View Full Version : couldnt catch my breath

02-04-06, 17:19
Today I was lying down drinking some coffee when I felt I couldnt catch my breath - I was extremely tired att he time, do you think this had something to do with it? And if it happens again, should I do the paper bag breathing? Thanks

Anxiety Is Evil

02-04-06, 17:25
this happened quite a lot to me at school last term after i passed out. the doctors put this down to stress, though i'm on holiday it's only improved slightly. Is there any possibility that you could be stressed or run down mentally?

Struggling to cope, I turned to the internet for my help. It feels like no-one understands me.

02-04-06, 17:46

Sorry your not feeling too good Today

Today I was lying down drinking some coffee when I felt I couldnt catch my breath

I struggle from this a lot and think the "Felt" is important, Im always saying I feel funny or feel I cant breathe, this shows that it is an emotion causing this feeling / symptom not a physical issue, It is sooo hard I know (I am going through hell with just the same) but it will pass for you I promise and you will realise if to be anxiety

Take Care

Wendy xx

02-04-06, 22:31
My breathing can sometimes go to pot too - I wouldn't bother with the paper bag idea as I think that seems to be a bit of no no these days especially for asthma sufferers.

I would try and breath quite shallowly but feeling your tummy swell slightly and do it fairly slowly.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

april tones
03-04-06, 09:14
hi, i have had a few times as wel! it is horrible anxiety x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com