View Full Version : I have to go to the doctors in 45 mins :(

22-02-11, 14:15
Okay I'm back and it was horrible. I wrote a letter as you guys suggested (Thank you for the suggestion and your kind words :) ) as It was easier for me to get out what I wanted to say. I went and told them I was there which wasn't too bad. Then I went into the doctors room and started crying as soon as I sat down and it really looked like he was going to laugh at me which made things ten times worse. I told him through sobbing that I had written a letter to explain how I felt as I found it hard to talk to people and he said well you read it, argh. I read it/said what I wanted to say and he said that he will have to get my notes about my history as it's the first time in 3 years I've been to the doctors. I filled in the depression questionnaire and he said yes depression and anxiety and gave me a prescription for citropram 10mg and a sick note for 4 weeks with anxiety/depression written on it. I feel like such an idiot crying and am really annoyed that I think he was going to laugh but he turned out to be okay so I have to make another appt in 4 weeks to see how I'm getting on. It's a start and although the appt didn't go as smoothly as I would have like I'm happy as it's progress and now I'm home and don't have to go out again today!! Even better. He said the tablets should help with the anxiety as well so here's hoping.

I am so nervous about going I have been for the last week since I booked the appointment. I now feel sick, have butterflies and my heart is racing already and I'm not even there yet. I feel so sick.

I don't know what to say or how to start the conversation or how to ask for a sick note. I hate this. I was in hospital a few years back with depression and they diagnosed post traumatic shock and borderline personality but I'm not sure whether to mention this as I'm not sure it still stands. I think I've made it worse thinking about what I'm going to say too much.

I just feel so scared and ill right now.

I will let you all know how I get on when I'm back. I wasn't going to go but I'm going to have to force myself.

22-02-11, 14:18
Well done, I was there this morning and it was hard but worth it. Just be open with your doc you have nothing to hide. Take Care :hugs:

22-02-11, 14:20
If you become really nervous you could always write it down on paper explaining how nervous you are and what it is you need, i know many who have done that before.

di xx

22-02-11, 14:23
Write it down, and then at the docs rehearse in your head what your going to say and if you cant give the letter (i used to do that)
Good luck