View Full Version : Wondering if this sounds like OCD?

22-02-11, 19:37
Hi I've had agoraphobia since I was 16, 23 now.. I've seen a few counsellors, one said i had a panic disorder.. but none were much use.
So I battled it on my own all this time, still am.. have periods where I'm fine, then I get depressed for months and just can't be bothered to do anything, even getting up and dressed seems like effort..

But I've recently realised I've become quite obsessive about how I eat my food, how it's cook, what's in it, paranoid it's not cooked properly..
I also count in my head, words mainly, just random words I hear on tv or someone says to me, I like things to have even numbers, I don't know why.
Also if I'm ill I like things to be like they were before I started to feel that way, move things around in my room to the way they were.. Makes me feel like I'm going mad... I worry I'm losing my mind.

This is just some examples of what I obsess about... wondering if it sounds familiar to anyone? Would appreciate any help at all.

Sorry it's a long post, Thanks for reading.

Captain Caveman
23-02-11, 08:00
Hi there. Below are some articles about obsessive and compulsive behaviour, and you can see if it relates to you.

I am no doc, so this is just what I know. People displaying obsessive and compulsive behaviour perfrom rituals to reduce distressing symptoms and/or prevent a feared event from occurring. There is also other behaviour that leans towards the impulsive end of the spectrum. (This is where sudden, impulsive acts that are more tic-like are performed in very particular (and sometimes ritualistic) ways to relieve the anxiety caused by obsessive, repetitive, doubtful thoughts. - Fred Penzel ). There is also neutral obessions ( in which something feels “stuck” in your mind such as: noticing your breathing, a song, or a picture. These are called neutral, because there is nothing about the stimuli that is dangerous, upsetting or even unlucky. -Jonathan Grayson). And there is the "Just RIght" type of behaviour: http://www.ocfoundation.org/uploadedFiles/MainContent/Find_Help/Just%20Right%20OCD%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf?n=3487

So have a read up about such behaviours, and see if it relates to what you are doing. I am no expert, but I can try to answer any other questions if you want to ask.


http://www.ocdchicago.org/index.php/experts-perspectives/ (http://www.ocdchicago.org/index.php/experts-perspectives/)


http://westsuffolkpsych.homestead.com/NumberUp.html (to do with numbers)


23-02-11, 08:11
Thank you so much for your help.