View Full Version : New Begining

cheeky monkey
02-04-06, 18:29
Just wanted to say that i feel real proud of myself, after looking at the problems in my life I have decided to rebuild my business again, i dont like the job im in now as its causing so much agro. So im going to do what i do best and that is my artwork. So far we have put something up on a website and im going to start advertising. I have started drawing every day this in its self has lifted my mood so much, instead of going for the cider bottle i now pick up my pencils and start drawing, i draw anything but specialise in animal portraits, i was asked to send some of my pictures in to the site for all of you to see which i have just done, so i hope you like them.
I would like to ask you all for a favour im doing a portfolio of my work but because of copyright laws i cant show pics ive done from others photos, so i was wondering if anyone has pictures or pets or family that i could draw in return i would send you a copy of the finished picture. If anyone is intrested could you email or pm me and i will tell you what sort of pic i need, or if my artwork is put on the forum you will see for your selves.
I feel real positive that i can make a go of this, i did before, Lea has also been helping and supporting me in this and want to say a big thankyou to her xx
for the first time in ages i can start to look forward to the future, i had two letters published in magazines this month.
im going to work so hard to make this work, its the 25th anniversary of dads passing in august so its for him to.
thanks alot
take care
susie x

02-04-06, 20:33
Good on you Susie for doing something so positive for yourself and your recovery.

Good luck with the new business and look forward to seeing the pictures if they are put on the site.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-04-06, 22:48
Good luck with this and look forward to seeing the pictures :D

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-04-06, 00:08
hi susie, pleased to read that this has lifted your mood and hear you sounding postive about the future. good luck, i'll be looking out for your pictures, take care .. andrew

03-04-06, 06:12
Well done Susie - how fantastic! Keep us posted on how it's all going?

Strength to strength[8D][8D][8D]

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

cheeky monkey
03-04-06, 13:03
hi all its lea
thanks for your replys and as i know they mean alot to susie
as for getting them put on site i am going to pm nic or if there are any other mods that are able to do it them to get the pic put on site

what susie needs is some help with getting pic to draw to help futher the buissness

you can contact either me (LEO05) or susie (CHEEKY MONKEY) on pm or via email
thanks again lea

03-04-06, 14:12
Hi Susie

Well done hun. So pleased to hear your great news re your business.

So good to hear your feeling good about things with Lea's help.

Take care both


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

04-04-06, 16:12
susie is still doing good and i taking loads of intrest in her art and i still need your help to get it to improve read her post for me info

thanks lea

cheeky monkey
08-04-06, 21:16
Hi guys
just to update you, things are moving fast with my art, my boss wants pics done for the arcades so im thinking about that. im nearly ready to start putting some work on ebay, and today we went up to our large market to buy mounts, i asked the guy if he sold original art work but he said no, but they are looking for someone to do pet portraits as there present artist is retireing, so he has asked me to bring him some of my work which i will do next saturday so hopefully that will be another opening. Hopefully it wont be to long before you all can see some of my pics as nic is going to try and put them on the site. Lea has been one huge support and help with this,thanks Lea x and isnt it time you got out your paint brushes? yes everyone Lea can paint as well. For the first time in ages im looking forward to the future and to prove my so called family and friends who have deserted me that i can make something of my life. I use to hide my artwork in the past and was to scared to show anyone or approach posible buyers but in the last few weeks ive had so much interest maybe now is the time to make my dream come true and become a professional artist. I'll let you know how I get on.
I would recommend to anyone who feels down to pick up a pencil or brush and just draw anything in your head. I havent cut or drank for a few weeks now cos if i feel low i just draw, i hope i can carry on doing this. cos its much better than taking any tabs to lift your mood.
take care

08-04-06, 21:24
That's great news Susie. I am so pleased you have found the confidence to take up drawing and painting again.

Well done for channelling the urge to self-harm and drink into something positive like drawing instead.

Good luck with the business.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

cheeky monkey
08-04-06, 22:35
hi Karen, thanks babe im trying hard and im gona try real hard to make a go of this as it has always been what i want to do. Im even thinking of fireing up my kiln and doing the chinaware again. And you are doing really well as well keep up the good work, i do read your posts but im real shy in answering lol
take care xx

09-04-06, 15:14
hi babe,
you are doing really well lately and i am really really proud of you WELL DONE
i know you will get the art buisness of the ground as i am going to kick you butt all the way

i cant draw honest lol
and i am really glad that you are talking to me more bout your feelings and things that are going on in life
and i will be your agent if you will have me lol[Yeah!][?]
keep up the really brill work up and who knows ya could become famous [Wow!] lol and ok you will have the odd one or two ppl that say they dont like your art but hey there will be loads of others who do that will out weight the others

hugs for you((((((((((((((((susie))))))))))))))))

love lea xx xx xx[8D]:D[^][:X][:X]:)[:P][:P];);)

10-04-06, 09:43
Excellent news Susie on your continued success & progress.

Really great to hear things are going well for you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

10-04-06, 23:09
well done susie, hope this works out well for you .. tc andrew

cheeky monkey
13-04-06, 16:12
hi all

just a quick update

susie is still continuing with her art work and althought she has had her other letter come bk from her fam and it did really upset her she has done really well and has even done a portrait of paaul o'gradys dogs
i am really proud of how she is handling things at the mo

i am hoping to get some of her work put on ebay real soon

she is also just geting over the flu/cold lol
and now i have it

thanks to everyone who has replied to susies post

13-04-06, 17:06
That's good to hear Lea - hope you both feel better soon!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-04-06, 18:58
thanks piglet
will keep you all updated


cheeky monkey
15-04-06, 02:05
hi guys
things are still going good, today lea put on my first portrait of a cat to sell on ebay im real nervous as it means ppl will be looking at it, but i am keepin myself busy. this morning i have to go and see a guy who sell pictures and frames he said his regular pet portrait artist is retiring and he is looking for another artist, so i have to take some of my work it would be great if i could get this. Yes having the letter come back from my sister this week was so upsetting and i started thinking again, but i didnt cut or drink, instead i talked to lea and started to draw again, lea is right when i make a success out of my life they will be the ones left out.
I am also really intrested in helping other ppl with depression etc. through art theapy, it really does help to draw and paint, and even write.
Thanks once again for all your support i hope i can build on getting all my friends here back.
i will let you know how it goes later to day. lea has got some of my pics ready to send in the next couple of days.
THANKYOU LEA BABE FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT, you have been fantastic. Hope you feel better soon. love ya x
Thankyou everyone
Susie x[8D]

15-04-06, 13:14
good luck today susie. and put your ebay number on here so ppl can look at your stuff, take care .. andrew

15-04-06, 16:11
hi babe i know why i called you cheeky monkey now as you should of been asleep last night :( grrrrrrrrrr lol
i havent really done anything at all ok i have good one pic on ebay but thats not much
and i know you are a bit dissappointed after today but he said he will think about it and i have already said for everyone knock bk you will get loads more to do!
keep up the good work ((((((((babe))))))))

love ya lea xxxx[:X]

15-04-06, 17:27
thanks andrew and not sure if this will be right but this is the item num Item number: 7407457337 it is a cat portrait

or if you know how to do it you could tell me so i know thanks


15-04-06, 20:21
Leanne sent me some of Susies pics and I have to say WOW - they are fantastic. You have a real talent there Susie and I am most impressed.

Fantastic work!


16-04-06, 17:26
hi nic

you are right susie is talented and glad you got the pics lol
and thank you for looking at them and taking time
to reply to this post

lea and susie

if anyone else would like to see susies work plz pm me you email addy

16-04-06, 21:03

just had a nose at the 2 pics you're selling, they are fab!!

Susie, you have such a great talent.


Tatty B xx

18-04-06, 22:22
thanks tatty b for your reply

cheeky monkey
05-05-06, 19:11
Hi Guys
just keeping you updated, after the problem the other week im still not working, but ive started back on my road to recovery again, i am still painting and drawing every day, im hoping to get a exhibition at my local libray when i have enough pics. And this week i had a surprise in the Hertfordshire Countryside mag, I had a two page article printed about the history of Hemel Hempstead.
Lea and I went to a country show on monday which we both enjoyed it was good to get out and i entered one of my dogs Sky into the dog show and she won it:D. Then my big task for this week was to go swimming, when i was a bout 13 our school tried to teach me but my teacher pushed me in and i went under so that was the end of me going in the water. After Lea telling me it would be safe i put my trust in her and so after nearly 30 years i got back into the same swimming pool and after bit of nerves and holding on to the sides lea started to teach me and i think I did well as I started to swim a little, after drowning 150 times and doing the crocidile death roll :D. It was real fun and made me feel good again, I also put on a swim suit which is unheard of as i worry about people seeing some scars where i cut etc. Tomorrow we are going to a dog show and showing 3 of my shelties so im looking forward to that. I will have to see if there is a class i could enter Lea in any ideas?:D Thanks babe for this week it has been fun and thankyou for the swimming lessons i really enjoyed it, even though i drowed 160 times.
Thats all thats happened so far guys.
and take care

05-05-06, 19:45
hi susie, pleased to read your doing well and learning how to smile again, tc .. andrew

cheeky monkey
17-05-06, 00:59
Hi Everyone
im still around, things have been fairly good, though my husband is still being a pain which resulted in me cutting the other nite which has upset me cos i was doing well and ive got to go to the hospital on monday, to see the hand doc and im sure he will moan as its on that hand. on the good side i havent drunk since the other week. And Lea is still with me and helping me alot, im now on my 3rd swimming lesson last week i brought a float which helped alot, and this week i didnt need it, Lea let me use her bouyancy aid which stopped me breathing for 4 hours :D this was great and i was swimming like a fish. then for the last hour i took it off and nearly started to swim unaided, so im going to prove to my husband that im not too old to learn. I also sent off for a job ,last time it was advertised i applied and got no answer, but today i got a reply and i have to go for an interview next tuesday it is for a manager in a pet store. i really hope i can get it as again my husband runs it down. Oh and this weekend we did real good at the dog show, Lea had her first show and i let her show Sky my baby, she did real good and got 2 x 3rds and a 5th. and i showed JJ and got 1st and a 5th, it was a great day out and we had fun.
Ive got a bad day coming up on 31st may it is my nephews birthday we are still trying to contact my sister but no luck the 21st annerversary of dads death is coming up and i so want to make up with her. I have been crying alot over this, its her birthday soon to. Plus if im honest im also scared i know Lea will be going home soon and im gona miss her, and i will be left alone with my husband. Im scared that i will od again ive had the same dream about this several times. I know im being stupid. I just want to say sorry and make it up with my sister as she is the only thing ive got thats close to dad.
I think that each time i do bad things to myself i lose a friend or family member, and cos i did bad things in the last few weeks to hurt myself this is what stops good things happening to me.
Sorry for boring you all with this just how i feel,
take care all
big hugs