View Full Version : To scared to audition...

22-02-11, 20:19
Hey guys,

I'm hoping to start a Theatre & Performance course at university in september, it's something I've wanted for a very long time & it means the world to me. Everything has been going great in the application process, I was passing everything with flying colours, then, my tutor mentioned that the last stage would be that I'd have to audition to be granted the place. That's when my world crashed down around me...
I knew that there was no way I could due something like that because of my anxiety, but I prepared something anyway, rehearsed it as best I could, even recorded myself, but when he made the appointment for me to go & perform it for him, I just couldn't go...I was so scared, I just couldn't... :weep:
Now, I've told him that I might have to withdraw my application, I didn't mention why, I just said 'personal problems' - it seems to have confused him as everything was ok upto now...
He's keeping the place open for me for a few weeks longer incase my 'circumstances change' but they won't - I'll always be too scared.

Anxiety has ruined my dream & something that was keeping me going, the thought of going to Uni & learning about something I love.
It always ruins everything, I'm crushed, what am I going to do? :weep:

22-02-11, 20:36
You shouldn't feel bad about that, even people without problems of anxiety/panic can't get up and perform infront of a crowd.
Dont be so hard on yourself, some can do it some can't.

You'll find something else that will make you happy.
In all honesty dramatics or performance is a very strange move or direction for someone with these problems, have you tried working within another capacity around this event, away from the centre of attention. Might be worth considering.

Good luck!

23-02-11, 14:14

I think you should explain your situation to him, what have you got to lose? If you don't audition, you won't get on the course but if you're honest with him he may be able to help you. A lot of people in the public eye/showbiz suffer with similar problems. Emma Thompson, Jim Carey, Hugh Laurie & Sheryl Crow to name a few.

I too would love to get into showbiz, as a kid I was in a youth theatre and absolutely loved it, I even started to study it at college when I left school but the course was rubbish so I quit. Since then my self confidence and anxiety has got on top of me and I haven't been on stage for years, even though every time I see someone performing I wish it was me up there instead!

Go for it, be honest and for just one day tell your anxiety that you are in control.

Also if it helps, could you take a friend with you to the audition for moral support?

I implore you to speak to the tutor, he seems pretty cool for keeping the place open for you, I'm sure he will understand your situation and you and I both know the course will do nothing but help you.

I wish you all the luck in the world....Break a leg! :)

23-02-11, 16:32
here's my advice for what its worth... i did drama at college and was terrified when it actually came to getting on stage.. all the usual worries. But you know what i did it, and i'm as scaredy cat as they come, lol.

I imagined there was no-one else in the room with me and just read aloud imagining myself in my own room all alone. The words just came out. I'm sure he is used to nervous people, god knows all auditions are stressful, so remember that he's used to it and will totally understand. I bet, in fact I KNOW, that many very famous actors stumbled at times in the auditioning process.

Give it a go.. whats the worst that can happen? So you mess it up.. you will find other ways to live your dream, trust me on that! But just think, maybe you will be okay, maybe you'll surprise yourself and come out of that audition feeling so proud and happy with what you have achieved.

But also remeember this.. there is nothing to be ashamed of whatever happens. its your choice at the end of the day, but I have every confidence that you can do it :)

23-02-11, 20:08
give it a go, you have come thi far, e are all rooting for you:)

blue moon
23-02-11, 23:04
You go for it,you never know you could be a future Oscar winner,don't hold back life is too short.Wish you the best.
Love Petra xxx:D:flowers:

24-02-11, 22:45
While I certainly agree that whatever your decision is, you have nothing to be ashamed of, personally I think the disappointment of not having gone could well feel a lot worse than the panic of actually doing it.

You might try speaking to your doctor about your anxiety to see if s/he will prescribe beta-blockers. They're very helpful in situations where a specific event is going to trigger anxiety, and it's common for people to use them to combat stage-fright: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propranolol#Off-label_and_investigational_use

Clearly it would be good to be able to beat anxiety without drugs, but as this could be a life-changing event I don't think you should feel bad about going down the medication route if you want to, and if it's available.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do :)