View Full Version : Help!!! Prob's with b12 injection-pernicious anemia

22-02-11, 21:34

I haven't posted here before, and noticed a discussion. on Pernicious Anemia-B12 Deficiency.

I also have questions , would appreciate advice from anyone who may have been through the same experiences.

I have had pernicious Anemia for around 16 ( longer actually as when i changed GPs i was taken off them, then put back on yrs later), prob 20 yrs in all.
Anyway, I am usually fine with the injections, Having them every 12 weeks.
Then last year i went 2 weeks late as had lots of personal probs which made me forget to have it...After effects , 'when i did have the injection were a leg pain/burning pain. and dizzyness etc.and a little chest pain.
I got over it within weeks.

Now this time the nurse at the Gps surgery gave me the injection almost a week early ( she said she couldnt fit me in on the proper date ).
A couple of days after i started getting really Tired../ Dizzy../ then the Chest pains and Breathlessness kicked in.
I also have a form of Angina ( Syndrome X ) So worry when i get chest pains this badly.
Then rang the emergency doctor to ask if maybe the injection wasnt administered properly, I know it has to go in a muscle, and the Nurse who administered it put it in my left buttock, but then said she hadn't administered the injection there before, ????
So i'm guessing the injection isn't being absorbed, causing the distress .
So the emergency doc sent me to A&E. they did ECG tests and blood tests, but were more concerned about the chest pain, and didnt listen when i meantioned the B12. they didnt do a B12 lood test.

I went back to my GP a couple of days later, and mentioned that maybe the injection hadn't taken, ( 3 weeks had now passed ). He gave me another just in case, sayng 'you can't overdose on B12.
The Chest pains and Breathlessness are worse...I don't know what to do , or who to see?
I live alone and hate being alone with chest pain.

Does anyone know what could have caused this problem, ?
Could it be a side effect of the B12 after all, as i had it given almost a week before i should have.?
Is this something to cause concern?

Would really appreciate some advice
Thanks Ellen

24-02-11, 13:54
hi bib i have vb12 injections every 4 months ,and i do feel ill after for a few days always have, i als feel ill when they run out , i havent had the chest pains though so maybe worth a trip back to drs to see whats causing them prob is anxiety but best to get reassurance for yourself hope you feel better soon

24-02-11, 14:11
Hi i have vitamin B12 deficiancy without pernicious anemia, but due to the fact that i have M.E i get my injections every 4 weeks, and i have no ill effects from the injections, as frequent as that, but i do understand that with PA if you go too long, you can start to feel unwell, but usually made better soon after the jab x

27-01-12, 15:20
I used Pure Vegan B12 spray.There is also a cheaper version that does not advertise vegan but says so on the label called Pure Advantage B12. The ingredients are identical.

27-01-12, 15:27
Hi there,

I really think, if your gut feel is to have some concern (and you know your own body and how it feels/should feel), that you should present yourself to A and E again or back to your doctor's surgery as soon as you are able. You are right, being alone and having chest pain is not funny and so I would personally demand a B12 blood test and anaemia checks. I presume they told you the ecg was ok ?