View Full Version : Frequent urination-anxiety? Anyone suffer from this?

23-02-11, 01:17
Hi all, (posted similar on female issues thinking it was a UTI)

5 weeks ago I started getting pressure all the time like I needed a wee. Thought it was a UTI but had no other symptoms and urine sample came back negative. I've suffered bouts of depression, panic attacks, health anxiety e.t.c for 9 years now. And Ive had a list of anxiety and depression symptoms as long as my body !!:roflmao: Usually what happens with me is that as soon as I get over one symptom , and had the relevent tests done to reasurre me am not dying, I start on a new one!

The DR did say if the pressure ddn't go away she would send me for further tests but its a new DR and she doesn't know nothing about my anxiety and depression ( my old Dr who I have been through everything with and new what I was gong through passed away a couple of weeks ago).

Its not really preassure am getting now just the feeling I need to wee all the time. It could be litrally after Ive been the toilet I would want to go again. I only wake once in the night to go though usually at the same time.

I was just wondering how common this is in anxiety sufferers and can it just come on even if you don't feel your going through times of stress?
Any other information would be welcome.

Thanks for your help.
Pauline x

23-02-11, 13:22
Hi Pauline, your prob is definitely not unusual in people suffering from anxiety/stress, and when I first started suffering from it, I didn't really fell I was stressed or anxious (though I probably was). There is medication which can help although your doc might want to do tests to rule out anything else (mine didn't at first, just put me straight on meds, although I did have a cystoscopy later. Your definitely not on your own, and already quite a few threads about this xxx

23-02-11, 13:28
I ve had the same Pauline .It was down to stress and anxiety ..luv Sue x

23-02-11, 15:09
Thank you both, I've looked on the threads about it and see that its very common. I don't get it much during the day but seems to get worse of a night or if am focusing on it :shrug: So it seems to point towards anxiety. Just another new symptom I have to get use to I suppose. I might just go back the Dr next week when the kids have gone back to school just to see if she wants to send me for further tests, maybe best if I explian about my depression/anxiety too . Thanks very much xxx

23-02-11, 15:21
Hello Pauline :)

had exact same symptoms as you ...........got referred to hospital and did all sorts of tests .............found nothing .
it went away on its own eventually thank goodness cos it isnt nice x
wonder sometimes if it is related to our monthly cycle......all those organs being close to each other ?
add anxiety to female hormones ..................tis a churny tummy mix :hugs:
Know exactly what you describe and it went as mysteriously as it appeared.xx