View Full Version : Small Victory

23-02-11, 11:35

What a brilliant idea on the forum for somewhere for people to share their successes - I've read loads and it does help to see there's a way ahead no matter how things are at the moment.

Today, I had a small victory with my anxiety issues. It is small, but really significant, for me anyway - it really doesn't compare to some of the stories on here but, I think that recognising little steps can be as important to some people - so I wanted to tell the world !!!! :yahoo:

After I had left the house only once in the last 10 days, I went out today, to the GP's and saw another doctor as the one I had been seeing, I felt did not understand what I needed. Leading up to this I was terrified of the thought of going to explain everything to someone new - what would they think? would they suggest anything different? Even thoughts of am I really ill? Am I going to be wasting their time? Lastly it meant 2 nights of Panic Attacks (which I had previously managed to stop) and virtually 2 days and nights of no sleep... However, I had to go - I had to get out of the house - I had to get help and it finally had to be today.

I did it.

The GP was fantastic, reviewing my medication, referral to mental health team and advice on restoring my sleep pattern. Just what I needed to move on now and hopefully start to help myself. It's going to be months of work ahead but a small victory has given me the boost I needed...

What's really important to me is the immediate effect the small change in my mood and outlook from this has had on my close family today. They're much happier, seeing me with a way forwards - I'm really lucky to have them around me.

Lastly, while I'm trying to share good news - I wanted to say a heartfelt thanks to the admin and mods that run this place - it's awesome - and also to all the lovely people I've met so far - I hope I can stay for many years to come and support others in the same way they've done in such a short time for me - giving me the confidence to do what I did today.

Have a great day everyone, take that small step - you won't regret it :D


paula lynne
23-02-11, 11:38

23-02-11, 11:43
Maks Well done you :yesyes:

It doesn't matter how small or big the achievement is, the fact is its an achievement and a successful one and you have taken the positive steps in order to move forward.

Be very proud of yourself :yahoo:

23-02-11, 11:45
Well done Macs... :winks:

23-02-11, 12:46
Well done Maks, good post xx

eternally optimistic
23-02-11, 17:13
Hi Maks

That doesnt sound like a little itsy bitsy step, it sounds like a BIG one...

Keep posting - we all like these success stories.

Hope the advice and help the doctor was able to suggest proves to be useful.

Take care.

28-02-11, 00:18
Thanks everyone for your replies - sorry it's taken me so long to do so.. Truth is - I have had a really hard couple of days since posting this - the adjustment to the medication has been really difficult and it's only today I've felt like I could face the world again.

However, coming back on the site - reading my earlier thoughts and your posts has given me yet another boost - so good to record how you feel when things are good and to hear the words of others - both things we forget too easily when the dark cloud of anxiety smothers us............

Anyway - thanks again - tomorrow i'm going to try to get to hypnotherapist for a consultation to see if they can help me help myself

Take care all and thanx again


Granny Primark
28-02-11, 05:07
Well done for keep seeking help for your anxiety. Never give up hope.
Please keep us informed how you get on.

28-02-11, 17:45

Made it to the hypnotherapst today :yesyes:

Now wish I had gone weeks ago - I'm still nervous of the process but after a long consultation to help understand what it all involved beforehand I bit the bullet and had a short session whilst I was there today - WOW - wasn't expecting at all to respond to it that quickly but left the office with my head held high and am going back tomorrow for a full session. Another small step taken!

And...... Today, I got the letter from the local Mental Health team and have arranged a triage session in 2 weeks time to start counselling / cbt

AND.......................... Made contact with the scheme my employer runs and have arranged a session of face to face counselling with them to start later this week.

For anyone that takes the time to read this and can identify at all or is looking for their own way forward - I'm still terrified of leaving the house to go to places that I haven't been before (actually to even pick up the phone to make the appointments) and experience things that I haven't before and it might seem insane and even perverse to put myself in a situation that makes me more anxious but I have to keep going to get help and with the support of everyone around me, I've done it once now and I will do it again....

Best wishes to anyone reading that needs them - keep taking those small steps, even with small setbacks, you'll start to move forwards.......

Thanks again to everyone here for your words and keeping this place running - it means a lot to us.


05-03-11, 19:35
Today i laughed !! today i sang !!! today i cried, today i had intrusive thoughts, but the most important thing is i laughed and sang