View Full Version : hello

23-02-11, 11:43
hi there, my name is kayleigh and I have been suffering severe daily panic attacks and anxiety for about 6 weeks now, I thought I would use a forum to chat to other people and get advice from people who are going through or have been through similar experiences to me.

The attacks started when i was driving home from work one evening, now I won't go in the car and haven't been to work for a month :weep: the doctor is treating me with beta blockers which seem to ease off some of the symptoms but unfortunately my big problem is hyperventilation and the beta blockers aren't shifting this one. I'm always scared when I hyperventilate and it seems to happen all day with little 10-20 minute breaks then starts off again. has anyone else experienced the same thing? I have been refered for CBT but am skeptical about this kind of treatment.

23-02-11, 11:44
Hi kjane

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-02-11, 12:40
Hi K and :welcome:. I like you had my first ever panic attack in Dec whilst driving out of the blue, I'm 33 ! and have been off work ever since. I've also been precribed Beta Blockers and an anti depressant which have helped the anxiety. I know exactly how you feel and am here if you want to chat. Andrew. :)

23-02-11, 12:53
Hello Kayleigh :welcome: I found betablockers good in some ways but not for panic attacks, antidepressants have worked much better in my case. Learning diaphragmatic breathing is good for hyperventilation - I was taught how to do it by the psychiatrist I did CBT with, but maybe you could find something online?

Try not to write off the CBT, it really can be very good. You can buy books about it fairly cheaply (see "reading" near the bottom of the list on the left of the page) if you want to have a look into it while waiting for your appt xx

23-02-11, 14:08
thanks everyone for your advice and messages, its good to know that other people out there are going through the same or similar things. I am going back to the doctor (i seem to live there lately!) and am hoping to get some anti-depressants which will hopefully help with the anxiety. I desperately want to get back to work and have an interview next month to start uni in september and i just can't even look forward to any of it, its very frustrating! what has anyone else in this situation done for money whilst they havent been working? the worry of having bills and things to pay doesn't help. is any financial help available out there for people like us?