View Full Version : Can any one please give me some advice

23-02-11, 12:15
my anxiety has been really bad for days now as sooon as i wake up i start worrieing strait awayfeel very anxiouse feel as if i cant cope with it no more i cry cause i dont know what to do. ive got a constant head ache and feel sick all the time. i try my copeing skills i keep teel;ling my self its only my anxiety and it will pass ive never felt like this before wih my anxiety being so intence i m doing cbt at the moment ive been to my gp about it but i cant go back to him because he told me to try this pills think they were called amitriptine 10mil but i am so petriefied of taking pills because ive this trebible fear of going dizzy and as soon as i sawthat they can make u dizzy i flushed them down the toilet so i dont want to go back to my gp and tell him how im feeling because he will probly say that cause i wont take pills im not helping my self i just dont know what to do any more i cant fone any one for advice because ive no credit and havent got a house fone so can any please give me any advice on waht to do and tell me if it is just my anxiety and if they have felt like this sorry for post bieng so long i just need reasurance of some one

23-02-11, 12:31
Hi Tricia

Firstly take a deep breath.. I know how you feel, it's horrible waking up feeling the same every day etc.. Know that you are safe, and that no matter how horrible it feels, you will be ok. All the physical symptoms you get are the usual anxiety symptoms so try not be afraid of them, they are more likelty to pass if you try to ignore them. I totally understand the pills thing, I have always had a fear of being sick and dizzy so have never taken a pill, and even though i am struggling now with my anxiety, I know it will pass again like it did before.

Try talking to your doctor and telling her your fears of the pills, but yes be prepared that they may not be too happy - some just arent understanding, but you may be surprised.

23-02-11, 12:40

Hi, many here will understand what you are going through and there is a wealth of advice and support. I had a similar experience with my anxiety and really thought I was going insane. I too have an aversion to pills and tried so hard to do without medication. However in the end I had to accept I couldnt handle it on my own and now I am coping much better on meds than off.

Talk to your GP or Mental Health Professional and discuss your fears about medication.

Best wishes


23-02-11, 12:58

Really sorry to hear how u feel at the moment.

I took me a long time to get over the feeling I was wasting my GP's time for anxiety - but it's as much as illness as everything else - do go back to see them, they won't think less of you for not taking the pills - unless you update them though, they will think you are taking them and coping ok - tell them how you feel about taking medication.

Today after weeks of trying to make myself, I saw a different gp as I didn't think the one I had been seeing really new what to do to help and it's made a massive difference as I now have a new plan and have been referred for further help.

Take care and best wishes.

23-02-11, 13:09
hi thk u all for getting back to me ill go and see my gp on fri