View Full Version : Cholesterol reading

23-02-11, 12:15

Just had a load of blood tests completed and had the results back. Everything normal...inlcuding the whole works of STI checks.

My Cholesteral reading came back at 4.8, which Im told isnt too bad. But on the way too work I wondered what that actually ment.

Do I need to bring it lower and what is the average reading for a normal healthy person of my age?? Im 37.

I rarely drink (about 2 pints a month) & I dont smoke. Im slightly overweight, meaning im 6'1 tall and way 14.5stone (95kilos)

Anyone with any info one this would be much appreciated.


23-02-11, 12:20
Average in the UK seems to be around 5.7 - and anything below 5 good, so I don't think you have anything to worry about x

23-02-11, 14:46
mine came back as 5.9, my doctor was not at all concerned, , I'm 38, good blood pressure, don't smoke or drink. She said that the ratio between my good and bad cholesterol was ok. Your reading is very good ! I have started takin benecol drinks daily to try and get mine down slightly.