View Full Version : Hope this might help someone.. and a quick update

23-02-11, 12:24
Anyone who has read my earlier posts will know i am suffering bad at the moment. Last night however I managed to get in the car and be driven 2 hours to see my boyfriend... got through major panic and fear and got home safe. Thismorning i feel exhausted anxious etc.. but i hope it will pass.

Anyways.. I was thinking a lot about panic and anxiety last night and I came up with this analogy which totally helped me.

I thought of an illusionist, David Copperfield, famous for making the great wall of china and the statue of liberty dissapear among other things. Only they didn't dissapear did they? Its an illusion.

You watch these shows and are completely hooked watching, thinking wow.. look he made the statue of liberty dissapear!!! But he didnt! Thats the important part.

These shows are designed to trick you.. everything about the way it is shown draws you in to thinking it is actually happening, but its not.. its just a cleverly constructed illusion.

Just like panic really.. One person will watch a magic show and totally believe what they are seeing, even though logically they know its not real.. another woudl see it for what it really is - a trick - and say yeh whatever.
I try to see my panic this way.. its an illusion.

F - false
E - evidence
A - appearing
R - real

I sort of try and see fear like the illusionist or the magician.. they only have the ability to make you think it's real if you give them the credibility. Once you know and understand how the magic trick is performed, you are no longer amazed by it.

Its all about belief for me. I have often heard the following phrases
God is real if you BELIEVE he is real, but you have to believe
Spells and curses etc only have power if you BELIEVE they have power

Then surely it is your BELIEF that fear and its many symptoms can harm you that gives them their power.

Maybe I am talking rubbish, lol.. but this helped me and if it can help one other person then thats great. I am still suffering and going through a hellish time, but these thoughts have given me some comfort.

23-02-11, 13:47
You have hit the nail on the head Misskitty! Well done you

23-02-11, 13:51
I am trying to see anxiety/fear as not real but it is so hard isnt it to stop the constant worry etc-it drives me mad!

23-02-11, 16:22
Thanks suz, and yep abby it's flippin hard to do. I wrote the earlier post and even I have trouble believing it, but thats what i think you have to do..

If our bodies/minds have the power to create this kind of fear and panic and symptoms then surely they also have the power to defeat it and stop it in its tracks..

one day at a time :)

23-02-11, 20:04
words of wisdom....

23-02-11, 20:10
I completely agree misskitty!!!!!

Thats exactly how i think - surely of my mind got me into this then surely it can get me out too!!!!!!!
