View Full Version : now i know

23-02-11, 12:43
Just a post to say I finally had my gastrocopy and was diagnosed with a hatius hernia yesterday..... So that explains all the symptoms I've been getting.....

Just wondering if people could share there experinces ?? And maybe the do's and don't's they didn't say anything at the hospital about it just that I have to wait for the results to go back to the doctors were they will more than likely explain things bit that will take a good few days...

He also said I have bacteria in my stomach although he couldn't physically see it he said he knew it was there ?????

23-02-11, 14:53
Anyone ?? I don't really want to google but I want to know more ??

23-02-11, 15:04

If you go into search and type in hernia, lots of people on lots of posts have the same.

Hope it helps.

di xx

24-02-11, 09:16
Sounds like you have a hiatus hernia and have the H Pylori bacteria as well which is very common - when they did the gastroscopy they would have taken a tiny biopsy to test for H Pylori bacteria.

I have hiatus hernia and have taken acid supression meds for 20 years otherwise I get crippling heartburn so you may already be on these tablets or will be put on them.

The treatment for the bacteria is a course of strong antibiotics together with the above acid supression med.

I just have to be a bit careful what I eat even with the meds.

24-02-11, 12:55
Yeah I have already been on omeprazole for about 6 weeks and haven't had heartburn once....

Can you still drink ?? X