View Full Version : Hay im a newbie...

23-02-11, 15:52
Im trying to start the whole how to use forums ect and how to get talking to people me and technology dont get on all that well :).

I was wondering if someone would possibly help me around so i can relate my symptoms and feelings as i do feel like im alone


23-02-11, 15:53
Hi beckybonney

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-02-11, 16:18
Welcome Becky:)

23-02-11, 16:19
thanks diane.
I was keen to find out if anyone is experiencing pins and needles in legs like burning electric pains right into toes and fingers. sometimes alongside muscle cramps and most annoyingly leg jerking whilst taking citopram. Ive been on it now about 4 weeks and my dose was increased from 10 to 20 about 10 days ago. im really keen to know if anyone else has had this as ive virtually convinced myself that this is a serious medical condition and nothing to do with my anxiety. I do feel nausea and headaches which are common effects, however the things ive said above do not appear to be common or normal.
i also get hot little tingly sensations in my forehead and in my elbows lips and im not anxious when this happens however i do get panicy when this arises..

If anyone could shed some light on this, and try and dispersuade me that its not a brain tumour :( id be greatly appreciative.

becky x

23-02-11, 17:03
hi becky, i'm not taking any anti-depresssants at the moment but I was having all of these symptoms anyway, especially the jerky movements and the tingling sensations, unfortunately all part of anxiety apparantly according to the doctor so please don't be worried as you are not alone and you do not have a serious medical problem which is what i sometimes start thinking but then stop myself!

23-02-11, 17:39
Hi there

Don't fret too much. I'm on my 6th day of 20mg and I get sharp pains in my toes, ankles and legs just randomly :-). My friend had the muscle twitching thing when she went on them but it settled down. That's a really common one I am told.

How are you finding it in terms of your panic/ anxiety? Any progress? xx

24-02-11, 11:33
well im also thinking that im going out of my mind and its not easy i have a small child of 18months and im aware now i not alone and there are people in this world worse off than me i no but i just wish i could turn around get up and deal with it like i have for so many years since i was 14 10 years of constant up and downs. But its soooooo nice to be replied to i cant thank you enough makes me feel that im not alone. Can i ask does anyone have several visits to the doctor on the onsight of anything and just get told oh yes its anxiety, it doesnt make me feel reassured sometimes?? Plus hiccups after i eat on this medictaion? and nasal bleeding too... i mean shakes sore eyes headaches muscle twicthes hiccups all signs for brain tumour or ms but yet im no further forward. do you think its possible to have these symptoms even though you maybe happy out shopping or partying and then boom your leg goes or your headache starts maybe like sub conscious anxiety?? anyone else relate? thanks again guys truly appreciated...ps sos for the further rant :)

24-02-11, 12:33
Hi Becky and :welcome:

I'm on Cit 20mg as well. I have ALL the symptoms you mention however had them before the meds. The Doc assures me it's all anxiety, I'm also very shaky, dizzy and at times feel I can't walk and am going to fall down when out. Again all common with anxiety I'm told. I totally empathise with your thoughts of is this actually anxiety....... I too think that each day, it's amazing how anxiety affects the body physically :huh:. I do see a difference having been on the Cit so I hope you'll continue to improve with this medication. Try not to worry, I'm around if you want to chat. Andrew :hugs:

24-02-11, 20:06
Snap, I have a little boy of 19 months :-) xx

24-02-11, 21:01
im having a real bad time at the minute i keep reading these symptoms for brain tumours and i appear to have them all and i genuinely do feel i have something wrong it all started about 6 weeks ago with pins and needles down my arms, then i got worried all sprung from there. But im sat with my daughter all fine and these continous leg jerking in my legs and now my arms my eyes going in and out of focus its all the signs as well as this god dam nausea and headaches. tried to get a doctors appointment again but yet again none available!!! i just feel so low and guilty when i look at my daughter. i cant see that this would be the side affects of citolpram and also anxiety for what 5 days running now and ive been on these tablets for over 4 weeks :( i feel so so so frightened... and even when people say i have this too i get this sense of disbelief if this make sense like its being said to make me avoid the bad thoughts. i just want a mri scan to clear my mind, but yet then again im soooo scared to go into the doctors again to tell them all this and they say actually yeah were concerned will forward you on.... is this really just me?X

24-02-11, 21:42
Oh bless you, I was in your same frame of mind a while ago,DO NOT READ THE SYMPTOMS FOR BRAIN TUMOUR, read the symptoms on here for anxiety, I am on no medication and I had all of these symptoms for ages couldn't see clearly pain in back of eyes dizzy pins needles numb left fingers and the rest, accept these feelings and try and keep occupied have you read any of Claire Weekes books I have and they have helped me so much, I was the same about gong to dr etc as I thought I would die on the spot if i got referal etc, read your daughter a book(if you can I couldn't focus to read, and jumbled up my words when I tried to read aloud)!!! I got in such a state went to optician and thought I had tumour!!!:blush: they now look at me with so much sympathy when I pass (cringe) lol .xxx It is the worst feeling in the word this ANXIETY but only if we let it. I so feel for you and it's awful when you look at your kids n feel guilty so don't add to your stress, your daughter has a mummy who is going to bea this thing so get your positive shoes on and even if you go in the garden and collect a few leaves stick them on paper this will give you a positive day put the pic on your wall so that when you wake up you can think yes that was a positive thing to do.xxx

27-02-11, 10:41
That such a lovely message and that is exactly how i am feeling i have to stop and think about what im saying i forget doing the most important things its awfull.
But i just wanted to update you all that i went to my doctor yesterday..
He said that my reactions to the citilopram are rare however i told him it appears there not. but he did suggest i come off it because i shouldnt be jerking all the time and my sinusis are inflamed and bleeding my eyes are so dizzy though did you find that you were constantly zooming in on things and just sort of monging?? I do want to go to the opticians but im worried that they will find something....

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE FOR ALL.. the doctor advised me that in his experience shakes tremors muscle cramps and pins and needles are not normally neurological problems with the brain so we can all feel maybe a bit more upbeat about this...xxx
However im coming off the citolpram now reduced down to 10mg does anyone else have funny feelings with eyes and nausea coming off these god dam things?X

27-02-11, 19:05
well done for going to your doctors:hugs:yep I still do zoom in on things and sometimes when I pass a shop window and glance atmyself I think god is that woman with the starey eyes really me (lol) i feel like my eyes are knotted like a balloon and someone is just slightly tugging them I also got uneven pupil size which freaked me but it is common and they do dilate so then it was the checking in th mirror evey two seconds grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Please go to your optician it will put your mind at rest and you may need glasses, hey we can't all have the same symptoms and it NOT be anxiety can we?? I think if you were coming off cit or not you would still get these feelings sick dizzy eye oddness!! as I had 3 great weeks and thought yep I have done it whoooo :D then thump:mad: bugger off anxiety I said it had returned!!but again I am picking up and will beat this thing it feels like I have been kid or woman napped and I am determined I am going to be better than I was 5 mth ago when this thing thought it was going to take over my life (NOT A CHANCE) we will all beat this because we want to, keep me upto date with how you ae getting on and next time let me know how you get on at the optician because you are going and you are going to be fine.xxxx

02-03-11, 12:56
still havent bucked up the courage to call opticians yet been reading the side affects for coming off citalopram. are you still on it? plus i was wondering i no its morbid but did you ever look at your babies and think i cant i dont want to leave them that horrid fear, and how do you ever overcome that? xx

04-03-11, 22:50
I was too scared to take the medication!!! read side affects and thought now I know what they are I will get them worse and already felt like that anyway, and yes did look at my babies and think all of that and see them living without me and it made me worse, what you have to think is well I am not going anywhere yet, and live one day at a time and pack as much as you can into it reading etc etc, you just need to try and occupy your mnd with other thoughts it is hard but please try and yo will enjoy life more, as time goes on these thoughts ease off but it is only because our nerves are highly sensitive and our emotions that way too:hugs:

09-03-11, 00:49
Thank you so much. Sorry not been on in a while. Ive got the man flu, my eys have been stinging dizzy ect so im wondering well trying to be positive that maybe this viral thing was in me and now its come out. Although strangely whilst having the flu and before im still having these muscle twitches. Seeing the doctor thursday, he will hopefully shed light on the twitches. But a friend said could be a trapped nerve in the neck i am doing all the positives and thinking of less scarier alternatives. I HAVE TO BE HONEST! I personally feel better off the citolopram as i feel im almost myself again, maybe its subconscious i dont know but i do feel better now off them. Thanks for everyones kind words. will shed some more info thursday, not that you prob bothered lol, but it helps if somene else having same symptoms......


09-03-11, 09:10
That's good news and yes we are all bothered how you are so do let us know how you got on. we all got the same symptoms so any info on how you are and what we can all do to help ourselves.xx deep us updated.xx

30-03-11, 02:40
Me again!! Well i got a referal for my neck in the end as he said it can be caused due to neck pain. Anyhow long story short the pins n needles started to become stabbing pains and its been soooooo painful so i had to go back to the doctor. He then had the liberty to ask me if i had been having any eye problems which ive been complaining off since the start with the pins and needles and im having the headaches every day again and the most unbearable pain is in my fingers and heals just these stabbing pains.. well this doc now has said to me the SCARY words i think its a neurological problem which has knocked me for six. Its bitter sweet i was like proved u right now your listening i knew it was but on the other foot im like crap somethings wrong... Im due to take another set of blood tests then a referal to the brain man. i just wondered if anyone knows what to expect and if there is many neurological things it could be as all i keep thinking its a btumour im soooo scared sick every day and feel like im gradually detiorating every day and its not fair on my daughter, thanks mic and all hope everybody is okx

30-03-11, 21:00
Hi Becky,I am new on here and have just been reading your posts, It is such a shock to see that there are loads of other people thinking they have got brain tumors just like I do and i go to the doctors and get told the same it is anxiety that makes you worry like this but it is so hard to believe isnt it but honestly i have all the symptoms too, and if you read a lot of the posts on here you will see that there are loads of us thinking the same. Barbara x

31-03-11, 14:05
HI everyone
don't worry about these symptoms at all. They are all part and parcel of anxiety and some don't really exist, they are just your mind inventing them.
When I'm suffering very badly with anxiety I sort of imagine and fixate on things and read too much into them - in many situations and in particular health. At one point I was going to the doctors every few days with something different - to get a mole checked, because my period lasted longer than usual - little things like that which usually I wouldn't have worried about. It's because anxiety creates 'negative thoughts'. Imagine anxiety as a person and that person is whispering ideas in your head. It's hard to differentiate between what is real and what is the anxiety talking. Even after six years I still struggle with this and I'm hoping the CBT will help with this - recognising and dealing with negative thoughts.
Also - when I'm really anxious I get pins and needles and jerking. Apparently it's to do with not having enough oxygen in your blood becuase you may be short of breath or hyperventilating - I get it really really bad when I have a panic attack and can't breath at all and my whole body goes into pins and needles and then numb. Once you can get the anxiety under control with the meds it you will start to feel better.

03-04-11, 06:17
Can i ask does anyone have several visits to the doctor on the onsight of anything and just get told oh yes its anxiety, it doesnt make me feel reassured sometimes?? Plus hiccups after i eat on this medictaion? and nasal bleeding too... i mean shakes sore eyes headaches muscle twicthes hiccups all signs for brain tumour or ms but yet im no further forward. do you think its possible to have these symptoms even though you maybe happy out shopping or partying and then boom your leg goes or your headache starts maybe like sub conscious anxiety?? anyone else relate? thanks again guys truly appreciated...ps sos for the further rant

03-04-11, 10:03
Welcome to NMP x x :hugs: x x

03-04-11, 13:38
Hi, welcome to NMP. I'd get the nasal bleeding checked out by a doctor but it could just be caused by blowing your nose too hard.

As for the other symptoms, yes they do sound like anxiety, so if a doctor has examined you and said there is nothing physically wrong, try to breathe deeply when you start feeling the symptoms and tell yourself they are harmless and will eventually go away.

03-04-11, 21:18
thanks diane.
I was keen to find out if anyone is experiencing pins and needles in legs like burning electric pains right into toes and fingers. sometimes alongside muscle cramps and most annoyingly leg jerking whilst taking citopram. Ive been on it now about 4 weeks and my dose was increased from 10 to 20 about 10 days ago. im really keen to know if anyone else has had this as ive virtually convinced myself that this is a serious medical condition and nothing to do with my anxiety. I do feel nausea and headaches which are common effects, however the things ive said above do not appear to be common or normal.
i also get hot little tingly sensations in my forehead and in my elbows lips and im not anxious when this happens however i do get panicy when this arises..

If anyone could shed some light on this, and try and dispersuade me that its not a brain tumour :( id be greatly appreciative.

becky x

Hi there, welcome to NMP. :hugs: I am on Cit, been about 5 months now and it is such a help for me but I do remember the first month which was hard, so please hang on in there. There is a Citalopram Board on here, where you will find support from people on Cit, so feel free to have a read.


07-04-11, 14:19
Hay all and thanks again for taking the time out to listen, Its so nice to have people on here relating. Well had a bit of a blow today since last spoke things have got worse and kept telling the doctors im not anxious, ive now got tight chest dodgey bowls, and more importantly the sharp electric pain feelings have moved accross the whole body and my eyes twitching really bad. well went to chiropractic today hes checked me up and down i have to much mobility in my skeletal frame and yet my muscles are too tight fortunatley hes witnessed the tremors the twitches today and the pain im in and has too now confirmed that this isnt anxiety obv these things do happen when your in a panic attack or in a hight of anxiety. IM NOT!! Hes now asked for an urgent referral of my neck and has told me if i have not had anything by tuesday im to go to a/e which i did try before. He has been helpful and he has said you will be suprised just how much trapped nerves in neck/back and bad posture can cause these symptoms to an extent. Hes done me a favour becus he too now as well as my other doctor thinks this is a neurological condition and has got me on urgent, so i can hopefully get out of this pain and get answers im obv kacking my pants and im dreading the worst but at least ill here something.
I want people to take a positive that if you havent seen a chiropractic and your symtpoms are causing u continious pain go see one they help me and give you a great understanding of how it all works and just how much a muscle or small nerve complaint could cause this.....
IFANYONE could help and tell me what to expect from a ct/mri scan and exactly what it scans id be mre than gracious, only i know it does my neck but does it cover or go into my head? does it hurt? is it long? ive tried to find a forum on here explaining but its mainluy brain scans and im not sure if this is what im having?xxxxxxxxxx

07-04-11, 14:25
Can i ask does anyone have several visits to the doctor on the onsight of anything and just get told oh yes its anxiety, it doesnt make me feel reassured sometimes?? Plus hiccups after i eat on this medictaion? and nasal bleeding too... i mean shakes sore eyes headaches muscle twicthes hiccups all signs for brain tumour or ms but yet im no further forward. do you think its possible to have these symptoms even though you maybe happy out shopping or partying and then boom your leg goes or your headache starts maybe like sub conscious anxiety?? anyone else relate? thanks again guys truly appreciated...ps sos for the further rant

JUST WANTED TO SAY ZCHUCELUN, that i had this with the nasal bleeding and the hiccups whilst on citolpram and when i came off the nasal bleeding stopped its reknown for causing inflammation of the sinusis. I also have hiccups and its known to be due to medication, however its also brought on by the nerve being triggered in the chest, so it can be a nerve issue maybe somewhere thats trapped ie saw neck or back, I didnt know this till today, if you ever wana chat or cross comparrisons lol, let me know im here im going to be visiting here everyday now on and off for support as going to be facing some rocky roads ahead and evry one on here is non judgemental lovely and they all listen dam sight more than the nhs put together xxx
Ps yes ive had it when out and there is such thing called the subconscious anxiety its your body placing those fears in another layer of your mind whilst your trying to pretend it isnt there, but its niggerling at you, sometimes you will find that this placing of the fear will bring on another fear becus the other one has been placed, ie myne is fear of death i tried to borrow it i became frightened of flying becus i may dye on the plane hope that makes any sense xx