View Full Version : Rheumatology appointment..?carpal tunnel

paula lynne
23-02-11, 20:08
Well after 2 years of my fingers going numb, tingling etc, my gp has finally refered me to Rheumatology. My appointment is 15th March. My hands, tips of fingers go dead, tingling is a problem. My dad had carpal tunnel, and as this is something I dont specialise in, does anyone know if its hereditary?

I think its to do with peri-menopause, as it started exactly the same time as my ectopics. My Aortic Reflux (blood going wrong way) has nothing to do with it. Also, my migraines got bad about 2 years ago too, and I started putting on weight.

Well, as an anxiety and agrophobic sufferer, Im just glad my Gp is doing something. But I really think Im wasting public resources. Im convinced its my hormones. I hope its not carpal tunnel. Like an idiot, I googled a few monthes back, the photos of surgery were just awful.

So, I just want to say, for the first time, Im not worried about getting there. Result.:D
Is carpal tunnel hereditary does anyone know?

I cant believe Im so calm. If anyone has knowledge of this, Id really appreciate it, as I dont want to go on the net to find out.

By the way, Rheumatology are doing nerve conduction tests. I have knowledge of this from my nursing, but cant remember much, as I went on to specialise in Brain Surgery, so anyone had this?

Thanks guys and gals xxxxxxxxxxxx:blush:

paula lynne
23-02-11, 20:37
Getting stressed now. NO-ONE knows anything about this?

Dont make me google it...........

Stressing now. x

23-02-11, 20:43
I'm sorry Paula I have no information on this at all.

One of the docs from my many visits to a&e thought I might have this because I was suffering from severe tingling, I was meant to go to my gp to be referred somewhere but never did as at the time my anxiety was bad and I was so convinced it was my heart and I just didn't bother. As my anxiety settled so did the tingling so I guess it wasn't that after all.

Anyway good luck with your appointment and sorry I can't be of much help.

Please try not to Google :hugs:

23-02-11, 20:46
not something i know anything about either.hhhmmmmmmx

23-02-11, 20:47
hi Paula Lynne,
I have carpel tunnel syndrome but no one else in my family has so I don't think it is hereditary
I have had nerve conduction tests.
It doesn't hurt but is a weird sensation. Needle are put into different muscles in your arm ( one at a time) and an electric current passed through it to measure the electric impulses in your nerves which is recorded on a machine( it makes your muscles 'jump' ).They do this with both arms It takes about half an hour if I can remember correctly.
I manage alright and don't need an operation
hope this has been of some help
best of luck and don't worry!
Linda x

23-02-11, 20:50
They also do it with the muscles in your hands

paula lynne
23-02-11, 20:52
Thanks ladies x
Its so hard, because I used to get tingling when I had panics.
But I think its all to do with my hormones now, cos of my age.
How do I tell the difference?
All I know is, the past 2 years my migraines are worse, Ive got hair growing out my chin (so attractive), started really bad palps, weight gain, tingling in specific fingers (1st, 2nd, 3rd fingers)....oh its so hard.

How can I tell the difference between anxiety and something else?
Im totally confused on this one x:ohmy:

23-02-11, 20:52
I was referred to a rheumatologist for suspected fibromyalgia. TBH, I can't say he did more tests in his examination than most of the other doctors had done, but I guess he was qualified to diagnose such conditions - and subsequently did.

I'm not an expert on CT but my auntie had surgery for it which relieved the pressure and left no discernible scarring. It's obviously something you'd need to discuss and get diagnosed but it's a very treatable condition and surgery isn't always necessary, so I really wouldn't stress Paula.

23-02-11, 20:57
I have Carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand Paula .I also have osteo arthritis in my spine hip and feet .Carpal tunnel isnt hereditary as far as I know .But you can have a good chance of getting Arthritis due to a family history .That said ,No one in my family has had it until recently .Its a common complaint and a lot of people have Or will have it when they reach middle age to some degree .Rhumatoid arthritis is a different condition .But they have more drugs and treatment for that than Osteoarthritis .I havnt had an operation yet ,but as its a slow progressive thing I have only recently been continuously in pain from it .Before it was just intermittent .So I will end up having the op..I know a couple of people who have had it ,and it wasnt too bad .You cant use your hand for abt 6 days tho afterwards .Good job its my left one lol .I also get pins n needles in my other hand ,I have one finger that has a badly swollen joint .My 4th vertabae is worn and can sometimes cause reffered pain in my arm and hands ,this causes tingling and numbness too .I also get the same with my feet every morning,but once I move about it goes . I can walk and excercise normally .Tho today I have tenderness which affects my balance slightly . I hope this helps you somewhat Paula ..Sorry the post goes on a bit .But I wouldnt honestly worry hun .Ive had all this for years and its still bearable most of the time .Luv Sue x

23-02-11, 20:58
Thanks ladies x
Its so hard, because I used to get tingling when I had panics.
But I think its all to do with my hormones now, cos of my age.
How do I tell the difference?
All I know is, the past 2 years my migraines are worse, Ive got hair growing out my chin (so attractive), started really bad palps, weight gain, tingling in specific fingers (1st, 2nd, 3rd fingers)....oh its so hard.

How can I tell the difference between anxiety and something else?
Im totally confused on this one x:ohmy:

I'm not sure tbh paula :unsure: x

23-02-11, 21:06
Hairs growing on the face signify a change in hormone levels of Testosterone .So the reasons you may be experiencing some of these things are down to hormone changes .Maybe you are on the perimenopause ? How is your posture ? Back probs as I said in my previous post can cause tingling and numbness in the hands .Back exercise to strengthen the muscles will help this .Or maybe its just down to anxiety .Either way it can be managed and is treatable . Luv Sue x

paula lynne
23-02-11, 21:12
Thanks Linda, its good to know its not hereditary, so I can stop automatically assuming its that. Many thanks x Not keen on the needle bit, but at least I know what to expect now. Ouch. Dont want to think about it. x:ohmy:
MM, thanks for the info. I will try not to stress x
Suzy. Thanks love, I appreciate what youve said. It must be hard for you love. Thanks for the info x My mam had athritis in most of her joints. Shes passed now, but is athritis and carpal tunnel linked then? Oh God, Im not worrying about getting there for the first time in 10 years, just worried about actually having it. And staying there while they put all those needles in me. :weep:

23-02-11, 21:15
I have CTS in one hand and when it gets bad I wear a wrist support for it. I do not need an op for it though.

My arms go numb every night in bed and it is my back causing it apparently.

I did have physio for a while but it only helped short term.

23-02-11, 21:18
so sorry paula cannot be of any help on this one xxxxx maybe your gp will have the answer xxxxx love you lots xxxxxx

23-02-11, 21:27
Carpal tunnel can be a result of arthritis .But can also be caused by repetitive motion or injury The nerve gets trapped and pressure causes numbness pain and tingling . Sue x

blue moon
23-02-11, 22:54
Hi Paula.I have tingling in fingers and hands on one side of body,I have bad back and do Physio,twice a week,it does help.I wear back brace at work,sitting at desk my posture is bad.I hope all goes well for you
Love Petra xx:flowers:

paula lynne
24-02-11, 00:19
Thanks Nic, Calm, and Petra.x I will put it on the back burner for now, as my appointment isnt til 15th March.
As I always say to others......its out of your hands....stop worrying about things you cant change etc etc. I will be back about this closer to the time. No point getting wound up just yet eh. x Im going to put it out of my mind for now. Time to get back to the others suffering much worse than me...........thanks all x

24-02-11, 00:25
. Time to get back to the others suffering much worse than me...........thanks all x


You have something you are worried about like a lot of people - that does not make your worries any less :hugs:

We are here if you need any more support anyway.

24-02-11, 00:50
Hi Paula, late add from me: I have this and have tended to put it down to RSI (repetitive strain injury) as I've worked at a computer for years. However, there does seem to be a possibility of a genetic link (you're more likely to have it if a family member has it or has had it). It can also be a perimenopausal thing as well - or just wondered if you have had blood tests done recently because it can be a symptom of thyroid problems too xxx

paula lynne
24-02-11, 10:42
Thanks Nic :)
Hi Jane, last lot of blood was about 18 monthes ago. My mum had hypothyroidism and took thyroxine. I think I will see what happens at the Rheumatology, then if nothing is found, I will ask my GP for some hormone tests, and also test for thyroid. I didnt even think of that, thanks J x:)

24-02-11, 18:42
If you could find a good massage therapist around your area maybe try a few sessions with one. If your neck muscles are tight or off in any way which is very possible when we are stressed it can cause the tingling in arms and fingers and also headaches. Might be worth checking it out.

paula lynne
24-02-11, 18:45
Thanks Rachael for suggesting that. Money a bit tight, so may rope in hubby for massage duties! :)