View Full Version : Cancer fear

23-02-11, 21:06
Hi I'm worried because i'll have one normal heavy period then the next month I'll have a light brown low flow period. Also after light period the next period comes quicker. I also get indgestion and ibs symptoms. Also head just jolted against pillow from anxiety- I don't know why or how this worries me

23-02-11, 21:12
Emma your really going through it aren't you? How old are you? Us young ladies can have messed up periods irregular etc its not unusual x

23-02-11, 21:14
hi. I'm only 17 lol. Never had messes up periods ever lol . I started when I was 10:(

23-02-11, 21:19
Anxiety and stress can do funny things to our periods mine went very similar to yours when i was at my worst with anxiety, then they stopped altogether for a while!

Try not to worry too much xxxx

23-02-11, 21:20
They can become messed up at anytime for example I was at the doctors the other week because I just stopped having them well I'd have one miss 2 have one and I was becoming a bit worried I had bloods to check my hormones and all was fine doctor says it just happens sometimes especially in young girls/ladies. When I was 14 they were all over the place I had to go on the pill to sort them out which helped. Seriously try not to worry:)

23-02-11, 21:22
Stress affects your periods. I would have a period nearly every other week for a few months and was told by drs it was stress messing with my hormones. Also I will have a really painful period one but I hardly bleed at all and then the next month I don't even get a cramp but lose so much blood. Sounds to me like your really over stressed and anxious and that is causing you lots of physical symptoms. I hope you start to feel better emotionaly soon x

23-02-11, 21:24
hi. I'm only 17 lol. Never had messes up periods ever lol . I started when I was 10:(

Forgot to say 10 :ohmy: that's well young x

24-02-11, 09:48
Thank you for the replies. Glad to know stress can do all this lol x the only otherr reason I'm worried is when I eat sometimes the food get stuck in the right side of my chest and causes lots of pain thre and in the right side of back . Just ate a yoghurt now and got a small feeling in right area of chest but not the stuck feeling :( really deprssee thinking about cancer.

24-02-11, 10:02
Also had a pain In right wrist and numbness in that hand. The numbness went when the pain went

24-02-11, 10:36
Hi I'm worried because i'll have one normal heavy period then the next month I'll have a light brown low flow period. Also after light period the next period comes quicker. I also get indgestion and ibs symptoms. Also head just jolted against pillow from anxiety- I don't know why or how this worries me

Hey hun,

the hormones that we use when we are anxoius (cortisol) are made from the same stuff that our period hormones are made from. Becuase nature decided that periods and reproducing was not as important as basic survival, when we are stressed, the body steals the period hormones to use for stress hormones ( cortisol) so it can cuase alterations in our periods as in flow and pain and lenght and grumpiness in the last week tearfullness, and especially MORE ANXIETY!!.

I have had all this too and the only answer it to remove as much anxiety as possible. For me, the best way to do this is to keep busy with nice things and thoughts and consciously diverting yourself away from the habits that keep anxiety going, like checking body blah blah asking for reassurance... you know!!

PM hun if you ever want to talk


24-02-11, 10:45
ThAnks. I've defintly been tearful the whole way through this one and over senstivte to every little thing that happens. also in finger next to thumb on right hand the tip feels cold. I can't help but think I've got an electric shock from my phone lol even if it is a stupid thought it feels very real to me. My periods have been a mess since December which is when my dad came back home after months. I've not had a painful one for ages ( I'm not complaining about that lol) it's just unusual.

24-02-11, 10:46
Also just sat down for five mins and now have severe pins and needles in one foot so much so that I tried walking and have to hold on to something lol

24-02-11, 10:55

have you had a look at the anxiety symptoms stuff on the left of the screen? It gives a lot of explanations about how the whole body is effected by high anxiety and worry. The circulation responds a lot to stress hormones, its all very technical ! But it is designed that way and when you are very anxious and conjuring up horrible thougths and visions about what is causing it ontop of the all the other stress, in actual fact your body is working very well at being stressed!

Obviously im no doc but i have had anxiety for a long time and have had all those things that you describe, especially the finger thing and the pins ans needles and my doc has always assured me its stress and anxiety altering my bodys balance and hormones.


24-02-11, 14:59
Thanks. I'll give the stuff on the side a look :) also mum bought me sudafed tablets yesterday and on my left hand I have a series of red dots and I feel itchy. Also the skin on my face looks horrible today . took a tablet about half hour ago and body feels itchy. Nerves? Or allergic reaction to pills lol. Also was sitting with head aginst sofa and I started shaking violently so worries about Head again lol. I just feel so Ill

24-02-11, 16:02
I've had sinus issues for two months. Got extreme pain at tut moment and feel really nauseas. What's the chances of it spreading to my brain. It statred with a cold and I was dizzy and migranies then got a bit better without the dizziness. Then ivstared to ge ear and tooth ache with it

24-02-11, 17:48
Is it silly to see a doc tommorow again to ease my sinus issue worry. I'm very dizzy and faint now and am terrified for my own life

24-02-11, 18:26
One last thing is I had my iPod charger on and was using the iPod at same time but there's a part of the wire that's exposed and I felt something weird when it touched my leg... Also sometimes ears feel as if there going deaf for a few seconds

24-02-11, 21:07
Scared thinking the several red dots on left hand are because my sinus issue has spread to brain and caused menigitis or something- really can't sleep and think I may ask doc for anxiety meds even though it's not something I really want to so but I don't know if it's best

24-02-11, 21:28
Also brother just came in room and asked me to open to somethig. I had head against pillow and when I finally manged to open the huge jar my head jolted really badly but not sure if it hit anything. Got a really painful head. Anyway about medication? Is this the way to go or have you found counessling better.

24-02-11, 21:40
I can't sleep thinking I have brain hemmorage . I just got a sharp pain on top of head to the side. still have sinus pain and the part were I got the sharp pain just hurt again. I can't leave my family :( I'm just so so so so scares tonights my last

macc noodle
25-02-11, 01:11
Well Emma, hope that you finally have got to sleep and get some rest from this vicious circle you seem to be going around in.

Great to see that some other posters have given you some pointers which you should listen to (along with all the others you have had from loads of us over the last few months).

I promise you once you can get a grip on this HA, you will start to turn a corner and all these horrible physical symptoms and your self diagnosing should lessen.

Talk to your friend's mum who has suffered HA and ask her what she did to overcome her problems - you might get some pointers.


25-02-11, 11:25
Thank you :D . It's frustating that I still havnt heard back from counssler for when my next appt. Will be. Will phone them on Monday i think :). Friends mum is really nice to speak to and she gave me some sheets last week that she was given during counessling. Didn't have a very good night- woke up at three and my head kept on twitching and jolting agiainst pillow. Managed to fall back asleep but woke again at six to same thing- so I went down stairs to loo and when I got back into bed got a weird taste in mouth from duvet and suddenly felt very nauseas. Woke up at nine burping up vomit. I also still have the sinus pain and feel very faint and dizzy and on edge worrying about head. I feel nauseas to- worried its cause of sinuses or brain. Also woke up with big scratches on lose left arm and a red dot on right arm so now im scared to take the sudafed that my mum bought. I'm really not sure if I need a docs app this afternoon though. My sinus pain feels terrible and I've never had nausea this bad before ( that's what makes me think it's not anxiety) Only worried about head to because of what happened last night when I opened a jar of food for brother.

25-02-11, 11:54

When my anxiety was so bad I felt sick all the time to the point of actually been sick even now if I get anxious I feel sick. What makes you think its not anxiety because you feel sick? Anxiety and stress can affect you in different ways x

25-02-11, 12:02
Thanks :) it's only because I've never had it this bad before and feel faint and dizzy to. The nausea comes and goes :( I'm convinced it's because of my sinus issue. I worked out I can't really see a doc till Wednesday. I just got a pain in forehead and felt like ibwas going to go backwards at the same time

25-02-11, 12:12
Also frightened about brain hemmorage as I was twitching and jolting really badly aginst pillow for at Least half hour

25-02-11, 12:21
I don't know anything about sinus issues so I can't really comment on that sorry. But I do know my auntie needs some kind of op on hers but hasn't gone for it and she's fine:) x

25-02-11, 12:41
Thanks I wudnt wish anxiety on anyone it's horrible. I was just brushing my hair now and because i was shaking doing it the hairbrush tapped against forehead and I go round in the same circle of worry again :(

25-02-11, 13:07
No I wouldn't wish Anxiety on anyone either:)

Tapping the hairbrush on your forehead won't harm you remember what I told you about my daughters dad if he can have that happen and get away without any damage a hairbrush will cause you no damage:)

25-02-11, 15:32
Thanks. My body is so weak, so much so that it hurts my arms to carry my laptop up the stairs lol :(
im really scared about my sinuses though- my throat feels funny, i have pain in and around nose and forehead and always feel dizzy and/or faint. i cant see my self even making the weekend so i can see the doc

25-02-11, 15:46
Of course your guna make the weekend Emma

I think you emotionally and physically exhausted from Anxiety we have all been there and its so so hard but you need to deal with the anxiety otherwise your not going to feel any better I hope that doesn't sound harsh because I don't mean it to I know exactly how you feel hun I really do and I still have my days but dealing with my anxiety as made those anxious days less and less xx

25-02-11, 17:27
Thanks. for the last two hours been sitting on chair in lounge just constanly twitching/jolting- i dont think my head hit the back of the chair but of course im a little anxious. i have managed to kill all the muscles in my back. shoulder. neck and cause my self pain at the back of my head. bloody anxiety lol.

25-02-11, 17:29
I'm worried is when I eat sometimes the food get stuck in the right side of my chest and causes lots of pain thre and in the right side of back . (this happened once this week) worried about cancer. Also got terrible pain in nose and around it.

25-02-11, 17:30
i also weighed my self the other day and it said 8 stone 3 pounds. I think this is a bit lighter than before :( so scared about cancer.

25-02-11, 17:41
Emma when I was anxious like you are I ended up weighing 6 stone something try not to worry x

25-02-11, 17:50
thanks im just put off by the fact that when i was eating the other day i got a horrible pain in right side of chest and back that didnt pass for ages(first time i can remember this happening). also thinking about it when i eat some food (tuna sandwich for example) it gets stuck in upper centre chest/throat and i have to drink to get rid of it (had this for ages before i was anxious) im really worried now about cancer. also got a weird feeling in finger on left hand. like a burning- i always have this when i use a laptop :( worried the laptop is giving me an electric shock when i use it. and thats why i get severe numbness when sitting down lol.

25-02-11, 17:56
I think you would feel it if you was getting an electric shock. I don't know if you have been to your doctor about your anxiety but I think it would be a good idea to discuss with him/her about how bad your anxiety is.x

25-02-11, 18:01
Thanks. I have the feeling in tip of thumb now haha. i hate being consious of every moment my head makes. for example i sat down on chair just now and my head/pony tail went against the back of it- something i wouldnt of ever given a second thought before but i do now haha. i have been to the doc and he reffered me for counessling. during counessling i tried to get accross just how anxious i am but i dont think she quite thought it was as serious.

25-02-11, 18:25
Do you still have councelling? X

25-02-11, 18:30
yup but im waiting at the moment because she reffered me to someone else who she said would be better suited to my sort of issue. i havnt had back from them yet which is frustrating lol. :) once i hear from them it will be at least a month for an initial app. then another few weeks until i actually start. :(. She said it would take longer because she doesnt consider me to be depressed. If i speak to my GP will they be able to do something about it. Just sat down again on chair and it happened again grr im aware of every little tap/jolt of my head.

25-02-11, 19:16
also just had dinner and got chest pains now :( under armpits/up to my neck-really freaked about cancer

25-02-11, 19:19
It does take a long time to get an appointment I'm afraid. Erm I'm not sure if your gp could hurry it up you could go and ask for nothing. What about CBT? I didn't wait that long for that and its really helped me maybe that's something you could consider? X

25-02-11, 19:37
got the pain on right side of chest now and back and that shoulder. lol. :( GP app for defintate next week and actually going to bring up CBT this time :)

25-02-11, 19:59
got the pain on right side of chest now and back and that shoulder. lol. :( GP app for defintate next week and actually going to bring up CBT this time :)

That's good about CBT:)

Could you have indegestion ? X

25-02-11, 20:09
I think i might have lol. Suffered with burping/occasional ibs symptoms for a while. for a few weeks i would have a constant rumbly/groany stomach for at least half an hour on end each day.

I also need to speak to GP about my sinuses. getting terrible sharp pains at top of head at moment.

25-02-11, 20:26
Yeah speak to your gp and speak to him about how bad your anxiety is tell him how bad your struggling at the minute. X

25-02-11, 20:40
Thanks. I have really red bad scractes on my lower left arm. they go all the way up and are so sore and red. :( i also have a series of red dots (one is like a pimpleish type thing) rest are little dots. I also have these dots on lower right arm. have always suffered with senstive skin but i just cant help but worry.

I will be telling GP exactly how i feel next week. Might get an extended 20 min app ( i hope) next week. they do these on a wednesday evening :D

25-02-11, 21:28
the last moan of the day lol- the only other thing leading me to beleive cancer is i get sweaty hands and i have hot/cold flushes and a few weeks ago i would have moments when i got out the bath in the evening when i would just sweat and sweat and sweat :( also the ankle pains make me thing it to.

25-02-11, 22:14
Are you on anti-depressants cos I am and they make you sweat?

25-02-11, 22:15
Hi, No im not on any medication at the moment and have never taken anti-depressents.

25-02-11, 22:16
its proberly just because im 17 and have been stressed with anxiety but the sweating just makes my anxiety worse lol :(

25-02-11, 22:24
Could be hormonal?

25-02-11, 22:34
it could be, never thought of that. i automatically just think the worst lol.
I normally straighten my hair after washing/blow drying it and thats when i find i get really hot sometimes.
Also one second im cold, so ill get a jumper on then i find im sweating so i have to take it off. it just winds me up, so many health issues im worrying over. also just went down stairs to get a drink and my lower back did the painful back spasm thing for a few seconds. I have to stand still and hold my back and hold my breath for a few seconds (and scream in pain lol) im just convinced i have some form of cancer. had the back spasm thing long before i ever had anxiety lol.

25-02-11, 23:03
I just know if i was diagonised with cancer i wouldnt be strong enough to take it mentally. I get twisted ankle pains, toes squeeze together and cause lots of pain, sweating, coldness, hot flushes, sweaty hands, food got trapped in chest that time, back spasms, back headaches (got bad pain above eye brows at the moment) extreme nausea. Pressure in nose and pain, tooth pain. Im an absolote mess with the thought of the cancer.

25-02-11, 23:03
oh and i scracth my self badly in my sleep and have itchy skin and the little red dots on my skin at the moment are worrying me :(