View Full Version : operation!!!!

02-04-06, 20:44
im due to have a hernia operation soon and feel so scared about it, i dont know what to do. theres no way out i have to have this done but at the same time im so worried i dont know if i can. i have problems going out or getting on a bus let alone going for an operation. Has anyone else been through the same thing or got any good advice!

02-04-06, 21:43

i had an operation 6 years ago and i felt very disstressed over it .
i told the doctor and nurses how i was feeling and about my anxiety and they were grate talked me through everything and made me feel ok
they gave me a sleeping pill at night to relax me .
i know how you are feeling i was thinking all sorts and my mind was working overtime try not going over things in your head you will be fine i am sure just keep thinking it is straight forward and as you have sead you have to have it done

i realy hope you dont spend the time i did worying over it you will wish you dident when it is all over and you are ok
good luck and try not to think about it try to take your mind off it .


02-04-06, 22:26
Hi rubber and welcome to the site, Its so easy to say don’t worry about it but I was the worlds worst when I had to have eye surgery early last year, I hadn’t long stopped drinking after 40 years of heavy daily drinking which put my anxiety, fears and agoraphobia right sky high. There where a few complications and risks involved with my surgery so I had cancelled it quite a few time making my waiting and anxiety much worst, I had been cancelling and making excuses for about 3 years as I was so so scared to go through with it. Anyway in the end just about all my sight had gone, I couldn’t see to go out even if my agro phobia let me. But this time I decided I had to go. With my high anxiety, agoraphobia, health anxiety and I have smoked all my life I was convinced I had an heart problem and was 100% sure I would die under the anaesthetic or have a heart attack with the fear, I was so sure I was going to die I done lots of sorting out and odd jobs around the home so I don’t leave my wife and kids in a mess. Anyway the morning came I got up early (something that is horrible anytime) and went to the hospital. A nurse took me to my bed put on an arm band with my name on etc then the doctor and anaesthetist came to see me, I told the anaesthetist how really scared I was and asked for a sedative, He asked had I taken anything and I said yes I took a Vallium before I left home but it didn’t help me, He got me three little tablets and within minutes I was so relaxed then fell asleep 9 The sedatives where great) They had to wake me to take me for the surgery and after the sedative they gave me I didn’t care less it was wonderful. I stayed awake for the surgery and was chatting to them as they done it and after had a nice cup of tea, which I was ready for after no drink or food all morning. The build up and cancelling was hell and with me all those years, that was the hard part and I would never let it worry me like that again, as the surgery was nothing at all. I would even say it was a 100 times easier than going to the dentist. The next morning when they removed the dressing from my eye was like winning the lottery, I could actually see faces and my watch etc something I hadn’t been able to do for years. Try not to worry about there will be no pain at all with the surgery and if you ask for a sedative you wont care. the only discomfort will be well after the surgery and when you are back at home recovering, and that wont worry you as you will know then its all over and your problem better. You will also be like me thinking why I was worrying because the surgery part you won’t even know about. Try not to worry and let us know how you get on. Take care. Vernon

03-04-06, 13:19
thanks for your replies, i know after the operation i will think "what was i worrying about" but it doesnt ease the anxiety. But saying that i do feel better after reading your replies. Its being put to sleep and actually being in the hospital that worrying me so much, im not to bothered about scars or pain. I keep thinking when they begin to give me anaestetic i will freak out or panic. I will try to be positive about it though! Vernon did the sedative take away your anxiety? if so i will ask for one before.

03-04-06, 17:06
yes rubber It did realy good too, I felt like I was just there chilling out after only about 3 to 5 minutes after taking it. I didnt even care If i was first or last to be done either. I have tried many medications and alcohole but none of them could match the sedative they gave me it was unbeleivable. As long as i could have a sedative again I no longer have any fears about hospitals or surgery. just ask the doctor when he comes to see you before the surgery.

03-04-06, 18:20
Hi rubber, I know how you feel. I am due to give birth on 22nd April and I am absolutely terrified even though I have done it twice before but that was before I started with anxiety and panic attacks. I hate hospitals anyway but am two scared something might go wrong to have a home birth. I know this baby has to come out one way or another and my worst nightmare would be having to have a ceasarean but I am scared my panics and anxiety will take over even though i haven't had a full blown panic attack for ages. I am trying to concentrate on breathing exercises but can't seem to get the hang of them as I always find myself focusing on something else. My 5 year old went to hospital this morning to have 5 teeth out and I got so worked up about it but I was fine when I got there and was quite proud that I didn't panic and my little boy was fine. Somethimes I think it is the anticipation of an event that is the worst thing, I am sure you will be fine when it comes down to it. Hope everything goes well for you, keep us posted.
Take care
Love Lisa

04-04-06, 13:33
hi lisa, your right its the anticipation thats making it worse for me, i think im building myself up to panic. Iike Vernon said i should ask for a sedative to calm me down before the operation. Thanks for your help everyone nice to know im not alone, i feel less frightened now, but still a little anxious lol. Guess im gonna have to bite the bullet and get on with it:)