View Full Version : scared

23-02-11, 22:57
scared of everything just now. Have loads going on and feeling the stress of it all. Reality has sunk in that where i work has moved buildings to a new area. Im moving in a week and im scared dont like change and when i don't know the areas. On top of that have so much studying to do am behind in it now!!

Im scared of me the way im feeling, my thoughts wish they would just go away.scared of what ill do, feel like a failure.i want to get of this roundabout and just stop and rest a while but no chance for another few months at least!!

24-02-11, 02:13
When I get overloaded with too many worries to cope with, I prioritise then deal with one at a time. Anything beyond my control I try to accept and focus on what I need to do to get through them.

I think if I were in your situation I'd keep my mind trained on the present by planning just one day at a time. You have studies, you have work and you have a move to deal with so each night I'd plan my time for the next day.

Change is always frightening because it affects our security and so makes us anxious, especially so when we feel too stressed by other things. It's therefore important to focus on one day at a time to stop your mind racing away into the future about "what if's". That way when the future arrives, it will be the present and you'll just get on with what is necessary. Just try to keep your mind trained on the here and now, and you'll be fine. Things always settle again in time.:)

Vanilla Sky
24-02-11, 08:37
Good advice from Bill lj , you are stonger than you know. Stop looking ahead and concentrate on what you are doing now. Remember what you said to me that a few of them have given up and your still there ? Keep that in mind hun and we are here for you to have a rant too lol :D

Paige xxx

24-02-11, 21:17
thanks for the replies bill and paige ill try and see it as one day at a time. appreciate the support