View Full Version : Recovered (again), but now my life is gaining pace I'm finding it tricky...

24-02-11, 00:49
I don't know if anybody will remember me, but I came to this forum for the first time last year when I was going through a pretty horrible and distressing time due to severe anxiety and depression. This was the 3rd occurence in less than 5 years. Thankfully though, by the end of summer, I was feeling able to function again and slowly everything has started to come back together.

But now, I have so many things to do that the pressure is beginning to get to me. In the past few weeks, I have begun studying 2 Open University courses (which involve numerous deadlines, classes, etc), I'm registered with the Jobcentre trying to find a job (but noone will even give me an interview so I'm being sent on a 2 week, full-time training course which I have to travel to and not get paid for), Weight Watchers (I thought about dropping this, but end up feeling guilty), and various other commitments I won't bother listing.
I mean... it's all just piling up. I can't even talk to my counsellor about it anymore because I've been doing so well that she decided to discharge me. But I'm starting to panic.

And it doesn't help that I'm constantly tired and zoned-out.

Anyway... sorry for the long post. I was just hoping that someone could give me some words of advice. Is anybody else having to deal with anxiety while working a busy schedule? What helps you to cope?


24-02-11, 01:00
Your body and mind will get used to the schedule. You just need to stop thinking in the negative, try and keep yourself upbeat. Negativity does make you tired, it makes everything a drag, take everything you are doing and dismiss any negatives it may have.
Doing this training course, no you aren't getting paid, but it isn't costing you anything and look at what you are going to gain from it. You will get your travel expenses, that is for sure.
Not a lot to add as you seem to be busy which is good, just a bit worn down with the new schedule, you will adjust, give it time.

24-02-11, 01:09
Thanks for that, Scrubmuncher. I'm a pretty impatient person so I tend to beat myself up if I can't adapt straight away.
Apparently, according to the advisor I saw at the Jobcentre today, they're paying for the course but not any of the travel expenses or parking costs. Might talk to someone else at my next sign-in and have it confirmed.