View Full Version : New and could use some help!

24-02-11, 03:49
My name is Lauren, I am 17 and I have had anxiety for 4 years now..

It started as a phobia of sick which led to not leaving the house, abandoning school e.c.t

I saw many different therapists,just to list a few.. c.b.t, hypnotherapy and a homeopath. The homeopath deffinatly helped me alot! But i still have panic attacks even though they are better than when I was 13/14.

I could use some help and advice as I am going to the isle of White this weekend with my mum to see my grandparents.
The problem is this involves a ferry and the difficulty of getting home if I freak out.. I'm really worrying about it, I guess I just need some support :(

Thank you for reading

24-02-11, 03:57
Hi Laurenzoe

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
24-02-11, 08:33
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

24-02-11, 17:44
Hi and welcome.
At such a young age I don't suppose you have had much experience of what happens when panic strikes. You say you are frightened of freaking out ..... but have you ever freaked out in public?
The truth is, even at your age you have already experienced the worst that your anxiety can do to you. You need to take the fear of "what might happen" out of the frame. These fears are not reality. I am sure you will be fine even if you do have panics at times. The more you experience this the better you will get at dealing with it, without adding fear. The worst thing to do is avoid..... have a good trip.