View Full Version : Agonising Headache Please Help

24-02-11, 07:26
Probably stupidly, I came off Citalopram (40mg) completely. Was fine for first week, but for last 4 days I have had the worst headache ever, that encompasses my head, neck, face, shoulders, particularlythrobbing in left temple. It's the worst headache I've ever had and paracetamol doesn't really touch it.

Unlike another thread I read, I am not on any other medication/contraceptives, but I have also quit alcohol, but I don't think the headache is coming from that.

Should I go back on the Citalopram? Or will this headache go away soon? Help please.... desperate.

24-02-11, 07:37
Hi VirginiahH

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes