View Full Version : poor circulation, worried this means a heart problem

24-02-11, 07:49
I currently can't seem to shake the worry that I've got bad circulation which would therefore indicate I've got a bad heart. I have always had a problem where at least one of my fingers will turn white when exposed to quite cold temperatures. However now in the last 2 years I've had very painful chillblains (I'm only 30, I thought older people got these!). I have now noticed that my fingernails seem to have a purple tinge to them especialy towards the bottom of the nail, my hands and feet seem permantly cold and in general it seems to take me ages to warm up which I've never had a problem with. Also in an evening when I've just been sat watching tv and therefore not moving much I notice my hands appear purple in colour but my fingers are all white.

I'm sure people can just have poor circulation without having heart problems but how would you know? Due to my heart worrys I've had an ecg and this didn't show any problems, my bp is good and my cholestorol is 5.1 but aparantly I've got a lot of good cholesterol. Would these tests show if any problems with circulation?

I'm afraid I googled and that's what has lead to so much worry about this! Any help or advice would be fantastic. Thank you

24-02-11, 08:26

My father-in-law has bad circulation so much so that he quite often can't feel his hands or feet at all! He's a lot older than you (64) but he's had lots of tests and there's nothing wrong with his heart at all. I'm trying to think what they've put his down to but can't remember, no doubt it'll come to me later and I'll let you know. In the meantime at least you'll know it doesn't always indicate a heart problem.

K xx

24-02-11, 09:16
could it be something called Raynards ?? My sister has this where her fingers go very white in cold conditions.

24-02-11, 20:23
thanks for the replys :). i do think that it could be raynards as i know that causes the white finger but dont know if it causes the other problems? maybe its the old anxiety exaggerating normal sensations but my fingernails are definatly paler and have got a tinge of purple. When will i learn not to blooming google!!!