View Full Version : morning worst for me - anyone else

24-02-11, 08:35
I find morning are worst for me then toward the end of the day i start to feel better can think clearer and start to feel myself, anyone have any ideas why this is?

my current routine:
I wake up then straight away i think to myself how am i feeling this morning, do i feel normal, are my thoughts normal, do i feel myself, then i get a sicky feeling im my stomach, feel dizzy and tingly in different parts of my body and the whole anxiety process start for the day

does anyone else have a similar morning routine or an strategy to break the anxiety cycle

24-02-11, 08:42
i feel exactly the same, i definately feel worse in the morning, especially with the dizziness which in turn sets off the panic/anxiety. I find it easier to just get up straight away and go and make a cup of tea or pour some cereal or just do something to stop me laying there thinking/worrying. its very difficult though and I can't manage it every morning but i do try. Sorry its not very good advice but its the best i have as I am very new to all this still.

24-02-11, 09:37
Yep same for me... for the last few weeks its like the exact same cycle every day.. wake up feeling the same, get through the day somehow and then by the early evening start to actuially feel like 'me' again.. so weird but i guess we get used to the routine?

24-02-11, 10:33
Im the same, i wake up, remember how i am meant to feel and whether it is good or bad, asses it for a while, then to be honest i feel ok, i get my self ready for work and try to feel positive. But as i get to work i feel like a black cloud, i feel sooo grumpy and irritable in the mornings, people at work know not to talk to me until later, i could sometimes hit my colleague!! after lunch i feel ok. i thought it could be to do with food, i eat when i get to work as i dont have time before, so i guess blood sugar could be low...
i hate mornings, absolutely hate them.


24-02-11, 11:22
i hate mornings to and am exactly the same, i dont think it helps me though because i go to bed so late as i find it hard to go to sleep early, my mind just starts to wonder, so i wake up in mornings feeling low, knots in stomach, tired, miserable and cant b bothered.

but by late afternoon i am feeling much better, i think for me i need to try and go to bed earlier so that i hoepfully will wake up feeling a little better

24-02-11, 11:42
This is common.

Try not to analyse how you are feeling too much, tell yourself that it's just anxiety and you'll feel better later on. If there is a nice element to morning anxiety it is that it almost always wears off later in the day.

24-02-11, 11:59
very good post - i will try and remember that in the morning and try not to over analyse the morning feeling and thoughts

jo h
24-02-11, 12:34
I too feel rubbish in the mornin...til mid pm ...I take my cital about 10 , I sometimes feel dizzy spaced out for the morning and start to feel ok later on i wonder if it is to do with food or just our minds getting used to the routine ? Its so annoying :(

24-02-11, 12:37
I also feel most anxious in the morning. As soon as I wake up I feel anxious and jittery whch sets me up for a bad day.

24-02-11, 13:32

I think mornings are the worst for alot of us....sometimes mine are worst than others but I always wake up feeling anxious. Sometimes is has gone by the time I have got up and showered etc other times it lingers...and I never know why!!! Wierd. My counseller told me its something to do with our brains when we sleep???


24-02-11, 16:19
Yeh i believe that our minds wont easily switch off at night so all those thought stresses/fears that go through our minds in the day are still going through the mind in the night, i have weird dreams...there is another post somewhere on here about sweats on night too.


24-02-11, 16:31
I go to bed feeliing so positive about things and then as soon as I wake up in the morning my anxiety has returned and I feel dreadful again. If I didn't feel so bad in the mornings I think it would be so much easier to get rid of this horrible anxiety all together.