View Full Version : So fed up one thing after another

24-02-11, 09:26
I always have one set of symptoms that are making my life hell and I am worrying about. 6 months ago I had funny heart do's different to my normal ectopics that had been good for months and was convinced I had serious heart trouble - been to see cardio had 24hr ecg then 3 week event moniter and cardio says my ectopics have changed to multiple ones which would account for change in symptoms but nothing harmful.

Then I started with the falling sensation as going to sleep - trigger huge number of sleepless nights etc so off I go for a brain mri because I was worried that a tiny benign cyst found on brain mri a few years ago had grown huge - Dr said no way but happy for me to pay for mri and guess what cyst is exactly same forget about it no problem.

I had pelvic ultrasound because it was 12 months from last one and I am perimeno and found small cyst on left ovary- they sure its just an egg cyst but I have to go back later this month for another u/s

I have very bad spine and suffer with one bit of it or another every day and yesterday I got terrible spasm in my ribs and back - worried I was having a heart attack then that changed to is it pancreatic cancer!
I am still very stiff and sore but as just seen Dr this week daren't go back again. I do have gallstones for past 20 yrs but they don't normally bother me but I was having a check up ultrsound every 2 yrs with my old GP but since moving house new Gp says this is not necessary BUT I want the ultrasound as it stopped me worrying about pancreatic cancer.

I am so fed up of constantly being in a panic about some symptom or other - I find that one thing will rule my life for about 6 months then it changes to something different and I am constantly staggering from one set of tests to another.

My GP has just done blood test for lyme disease which I know are very inaccurate unless it comes back positive they don't get false posistives because I have so many unexplained symptoms but they are all very real and painful. I know my dodgy spine , IBS etopics etc can account for most of my symptoms but I am fed up of suffereing all the time:weep:

Sorry just wanted a rant!

25-02-11, 10:02
Hey. Feel free to rant. I can totally relate to what you are saying as I am exactly the same and I want to just get on with my life without stressing about one thing or another. My latest thing (tmj/tooth related) has gone on for 18 months now and that is what I am struggling with but I feel a change is in the air as I have something else going on. What can we do about it is the question but I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone with this.

25-02-11, 10:25
Hi countrygirl,
Ranting is good. We all need to rant. I'm in the same boat in that I'm also totally sick of the constant worry and terrors. Like Humly says you are definitely not alone. I wish you all the best x