View Full Version : Still no better after 4 weeks on citalopram

24-02-11, 12:01
Just wondered if it is quite normal for citalopram to have not worked for me yet. I was prescribed 20mg citalopram for my panic attacks & feeling very anxious/uptight. I took them for 2 weeks & felt more anxious so doc uped the dose to 40mg which i have now been taking for 2 weeks so altogether been on them for 4 weeks. My anxiety has worsened feeling very anxious/uptight during the day, which seems to slightly improve early evening. I am also having sleeping problems, either waking up 2 or 3 times a night or not being able to get off to sleep. Doc says tablets can take 4 - 6 weeks to start feeling better.
I'm just worried because for years I was on a low dose of amitriptyline 25mg & upted dose to 50mg because started feeling anxious/depressed etc but had little effect so doc changed me to citalopram. Whilst starting on citalopram he told me to take 25mg amitriptyline until I ran out (which was for 2 weeks) & then had 4 10mg so I took those for 4 nights. I have now stopped taking amitriptyline on docs advice but could i be getting withdrawal symptoms from amitriptyline or is it just citalopram not kicked in yet. Has anyone else experienced similar. Would be most grateful to hear from anyone. Feeling very down at moment as not been out, feel too panicky & shaky. Suzie :weep:

24-02-11, 16:14
Hello, i have been on citalopram for years now..and my experience with SSRI's they can take quite some time to start working. when ever i start an SSRI i would always think This crap isnt working...give it a little longer. these pills may also just not be the right ones for you. everything sound about right tho.

26-02-11, 10:58
Hi Suzy

Sorry to hear your not improveing . I,ve got very little experience with ssri,s but have been on 20 mg of citralapram since January .

The wakeing up every few hours or not getting off to sleep was the same for me , it has now improved . I felt worse for about 2 weeks and then slowly improved , it wasn,t instant and i did have to force myself to go out (i was off work for months with no pay previous) . I would guess from what i have read , as you upped the dose after 2 weeks you are going through the "it gets worse before it gets better stage" again as your body adjusts to the higher dose .
Looking back the worse thing i did during this bad stage of the initial peroid of the tablets kicking in was sitting doing nothing . At the time i couldn,t force myself thou :weep:
Try and get up and go out even if its a walk around the block , you feel better for knowing that you achieved this even if you still feel like crap .It helps to burn off / use up some adrenalin and ease the shakey feelings , there awefull i know .

Take care you will get better but i know how bad i was at the time and i thought things would never improve but they did . With each small step you slowly feel better


26-02-11, 11:03
Have you seen this section Suzie ......


Its an article on citralapram might be of use :yesyes:

Also just noticed its your first post so :welcome: Stick around theres loads of people who know much more than me and will share there experiences , it sometimes takes awhile for replies

26-02-11, 11:20
By the 7-8 week mark they'll be at their full effect, or close enough. If there's still no change, go back to your doc and ask for something else. Citalopram didn't work for me (not the right ailment anyway) and I'm still trying to find something that will work.
So hang in there :)