View Full Version : Hayefever started already? Please don't let this stop me :'(

24-02-11, 12:13
Any fellow tree pollen allergy sufferers out there? I thought i'd been suffering with a cold this week and it's dawned on me it's the start of hayfever. I could cry right now. I've been doing so well. It sounds *so* stupid but my hayfever symptoms are what really broke me last year. The itchy mouth and throat I have 24 hours a day took me to a diet of bread.

I know this year I have to be determined to beat it. I have to remember I've been eating so many foods all this time and been ok. But i can feel the old emotions rising, the worry that I am going to crumble again. Crumble like i did last year, pushing away and breaking up with my boyfriend, going off sick, complete depression. It's like some sort of reverse SAD.

I think I'm just feeling a little overtired. The move has been stressful, I'm sleep deprived and work is getting me down.

Oh god, some one just tell me I can do this.


24-02-11, 13:44
i know i should be stronger :weep:

24-02-11, 13:58
I am so sorry you are feeling so sad and scared at the moment with hayfever rearing its ugly head again . It is one of those life sapping illlnesses that people seem to dismiss somehow ...............I dont get it thankfully but have seen the utter misery it causes to sufferers .
I want to pick you up on words you used in your post . Stupid and not strong .

I have been reading your recent threads Amber .................and I tell you now ...........you are anything but stupid and your courage in facing up to your anxiety and allergies is awe inspiring . It really is :hugs:

these journeys all seem to be one step forward and ten back sometimes :weep:

but boy you have shown how far you have travelled in your lovely posts . Look at them again and take heart.
you are a warrier .............and just need to regroup your allies and rest and reload those guns again.
thinking of you today .


24-02-11, 14:06
Hi snow :hugs:

Thank you so much for your kind kind post. You're right people do dismiss it, I guess that's why I say it sounds silly, as people just brush it off and don't realise how much it interferes. Mine has got worse and worse each year and I now have pollen food syndrome, where my body mistakes raw fruit and veg for pollen and gives me an allergic reaction :weep:

I suppose I'm feeling a little sorry for myself... monthly is on it's way and a lot going on... your words have picked me back up again... i love the warrier sentence.. thank you so much... i can't tell you how different i feel after reading you post and you reminding me of how I am moving forwards, you just hit obstacles along the way.

Thank you so much, you have really given me my strength back today..


24-02-11, 14:17
I think some of it is fear as I am coming round again to the months where I was at my worst. :shrug: So I'm almost anticipating it...making it happen?

24-02-11, 14:25
we are indeed warriors us lot on this forum or we wouldnt be here :)
Nmp,s Barmy Army I say with tongue firmly in cheek .

when the gremlins strike me and I feel despair I quote to myself the words of Scarlett O;Hara from Gone with the Wind :
: I cant think of that today or I will go mad .I will think of it tomorrow ...after all tomorrow is another day.
and indeed it will be . keep hope always beside you .xx

24-02-11, 14:36
I think some of it is fear as I am coming round again to the months where I was at my worst. :shrug: So I'm almost anticipating it...making it happen?

I think that's exactly it, Amber. It's the old "what if" thing and a bit like panic attacks - if you've had one in a particular situation, when you go back to that situation you fear it is going to happen again.

But you're NOT the same person you were a year ago, you are much stronger after what you've been through and what you've achieved.

You can get through this, like you've got through so much already - and all your friends on NMP are here to try yo support you if you need us. Don't let this get you down sweetie :hugs:

24-02-11, 14:38
it wont happen again like last year ...............the physical symptoms I cant say of course .......but your reaction to them will be different because you are a different and more clued up lady now arent you ?
Got so much more strength and knowledge and belief in yourself now eh?

last year was the past .its gone .............anticipatory anxiety is awful and I empathise hugely ........but we are not in the past .....drug treatments are improving all the time .

please dont look back if you can .easier said than done I know :hugs:

24-02-11, 15:12
thank you Jane and Snow. I have't felt this low for a while, it must be the hormones and the stress, I've been googling anaphyllaxis, WHY, i know not to do this, that this is why I have a lump in my throat...

:shrug:i'm disappointed in myself. maybe i've been blowing my own trumpet too much recently and this is my come uppance. it is indeed the dreaded "what if"...

thanks for all the support... i hate not feeling myself :hugs:

25-02-11, 11:32
Hey everybody..

Thanks so much for all of your support yesterday :hugs: really helped.

Think yesterday was the result of the stress of me moving, my monthly on it's way and just anticipation of the months ahead.. I feel a LOT brighter today, probably cause it's Friday, and maybe cause the sun isn't out today - what kind of weirdo am i!

I'm gonna take all the steps I can to ease my hayfever this year. Anti-histamines, eye drops, nasal sprays, vitamin C, and salt water rinses! I've got to be strong, and remember itching I have is from pollen and not my food...!

Tomorrow morning I'm going to drop in on a session of tai chi. I want to see if this is something I can start, as it's supposed to be good for mental health, breathing and even strengthening your immune system. I'm nervous, as whenever I exercise I get so breathless in anticipation and end up in coughing fits. But I'm going to take inhaler before as a precaution and then just relax, I can always bob in and out if I find it stressful. I think it's going to be very slow and relaxing though.

Just wanted to say thank you to you all for being here for me. Don't worry I'm going to keep fighting the fight.. need to try some new foods on Sunday I think, keep myself in check!! :)


01-03-11, 14:26
Hi allergyphobia,

Sorry, missed this thread when you posted..

I was diagnosed allergic perrenial rhinitis in July last year. Im told that means all year round allergies, air borne and foods..
Its not all foods but wheat came top of the list.Airborne are trees, grass,weeds and I also have a lot of trouble with perfumes, chemicals, soaps and so on.
I had really bad reaction to the few hot days we had in July last year but it got sorted with Nasal cream which worked in a few days.
Do you find that sunlight sets your nose of running ? It does me and usually followed by a sneeze, as it does when I hit cold air too.
They say that some of the tree pollens have started earlier this year.We have catkins all over the Hazels and workmen are currently pruning trees in out street !

01-03-11, 14:37
Hi Zee!

i also have rhinitis... how did you get diagnosed? what do you take - do you have anti histamines lately? yes the sunlight makes me sneeze!!! i hate the trees, grrr!! my mouth gets tingly/itchy and my nose all fuzzy. what is a nasal cream??

i'm in the process of seeing an immunologist...got to go back for skin testing soon, as it is effecting my diet as i have oral allergy syndrome - pollen food syndrome, is that what you have??


01-03-11, 17:34
Hi ,

I try to keep off the anti histamines if I can cope without them. The nasal cream was prescribed and called Naseptin I think, an antibiotic cream but it worked really well.
I will pm you allergyphobia..

02-03-11, 11:36
haven't felt this badly in a long time. stuffy then runny nose, itchy streaming swollen eyes, sore throat, sneezing, headache... don't know if this is from the trees or is a cold as my boyfriend has a nasty cold. if it's the tree pollen i am going to actually go crazy as there isn't even anything on the trees yet and i just DIDN'T have these extreme symptoms last year, it was just in the mouth itchiness. :weep:

02-03-11, 19:02
Woke up with my first case of hayfever this morning and it put me in a stinker of a mood. Dosed myself up on antihystemines at about 8am - by lunch time they had STILL done nothing. Wondering if I've built up an immunity? These were only 'Boots own-make' ones and usually are fine for me, but maybe move on to brand names?
Can't stand waking up and not being able to open my eyes, feeling like I want to take my eyeballs out and rinse them in cold water and having the worst feeling in my nose - like it's full of tickly hair and lots of pressure behind it.
Feeling a bit better now the evening has arrived - seems that winter is definitely on it's way out though!

03-03-11, 09:18
oh nooooooo!!

i was hoping it was a cold, the weather has been so freezing that i didn't think the pollen could have possibly started yet!!!

the weird thing about mine is that it's constant throughout the day and not particularly better at night, which made me think it was a cold.

i guess i'll see what happens over the next couple of days... if it is hayfever, like you say - anti histamines are having NO effect and i'm worried i've built up immunity too.


03-03-11, 15:17
Maybe there is a cold going round as I've woken up with a sore head & throat today - here's hoping, eh! Saw my first daffodil of the year though. Spring is approaching..!

03-03-11, 15:37
I am keeping my fingers crossed for a cold, haha! I think it is as have all over aches and tiredness, I feel like I could sleep for a week...
