View Full Version : My success

24-02-11, 13:52
Hi everyone I havent been on much lately but I never forget where I got the most help and friendship from in my days of need so I thought it was time I posted an update on my progress and hopefully it will give alot of you the encouragement and reassurrance that you can turn your panic and anxiety around and live life how you want to.

When I hit the age of forty I developed a very severe case of panic disorder and anxiety which really crippled my life and pushed me into agoraphobia, even walking around the home and into the garden was a struggle and I really couldnt understand what was happening to me I thought I had gone mad because everything I used to be able to do became impossible for me and my life was so changed by it.
I went to many doctors and unfortunately never came across one who explained what or why I was getting my horrible symptoms which consisted of dizziness, faint feeling, trembling, blurred eye sight, light headedness, racing heart infact I think I have been through all the symptoms of anxiety, my life was a nightmare.

I am now 50 and I have turned my life around with the help of this site, which helped me find an insight as to why and what was happening to me and with the help of a book which I found in the library by Dr. Claire Weeks, those two things helped me understand what was happening to me and how to take control of my life and get it back to how I wanted it. It was a struggle, nothing has been easy but I had determination and found a really good friend who talked and helped me through all my bad days and today I can honestly say that although I still get my symptoms occassionally I am no longer affraid of what they are and no longer let them matter, they dont spoil my life any longer. I can now go out and do the things that used to seem impossible, I can have conversations with people without the need to run away and when school meetings and plays come up I know I will be able to attend them. My daughter is marrying in 3 weeks time and yes I know im going to be a little worried but I know I shall be there standing in the church being a part of the wedding and managing all those anxiety symptoms and enjoying life and not worrying about them.

I think I can say I am nearly there now and I have a life that I enjoy and feel comfortable being me now I havent got the need to run away and hide from the world I have become part of it again, it took alot of hard work and many tears and anguish to get here but it can be done I just had to accept myself for whatever I was and learn to work with what I had and not load pressure on to myself buy questioning why all the time and by doing that I started to make life easier for myself and reduce the stress and anxiety.

I hope this gives some of you the hope and the determination you need to move forward and I wish you all luck.

24-02-11, 15:22
Well done Lorac .Your story is truly inspiring ,Im so pleased you have turned your life around .Weddings are always stressful before hand ,But Im sure on the day it will all go according to plan .Have a wonderful day .Nice to see you ,and I wish you continued success for the future .Luv Sue x:hugs:

24-02-11, 16:08
Lovely to read your story Lorac. Well done and thanks for sharing. :flowers:

24-02-11, 17:44
Hi lorac,

Your story is so inspiring and moving (made me cry). Onwards and upwards.


24-02-11, 18:04
so good to read a positive story!

Well done for finding the strength to battle through this horrible affliction!

AJ x

24-02-11, 18:25
Hi, Well done you!! It is nice to read a success story as well put as this one.

Granny Primark
27-02-11, 10:29
Thanks so much for sharing.:hugs::D
Posts like this give us hope.

27-02-11, 12:03
Thank you all very much for your comments


margaret jones
27-02-11, 13:33
Lorac congratulations on beating this dreadfull illness like you I have found lots of help/advice on nmp. Acceptance of panic anxiety being part of us and not allowing it to rule our lifes has helped me loads .

Have a wonderfull time at the wedding .

01-03-11, 18:55
Hi Lorac

Its great to read your story, i visit this site from time to time, i aswell have been on what i think is a journey, anxiety can cripple you, it all started for me at the age of 30 i sat one day at work and just could not go outside to get on the bus, my heart was pounding, which just turned into a downward spiral of fear.

I to discovered dr claire weekes and thats when i started my road to recovery, i am now 41 years of age and yes i get the symptoms of anxiety still, however, i dont pay attention to it, and it goes away as per the book the key is no longer mattering, then you no you have recovered.

Its the no longer mattering that is the key.

If i can help just one person, then i am happy so if anyone is reading this today please believe me that there is light at the end of the tunnel, knowlege is power, read and help yourself it is only you that can do it and you can trust me.

I couldnt walk into a shop without panicking, a bus was impossible, everyday was a challenge, i still get symptoms of anxiety but i never loose my key.

Sandra :yesyes:

01-03-11, 22:34
Sandy I totally agree with what you are saying it is the no longer mattering that makes all the difference, im so pleased to hear of your progress.


10-03-11, 14:04
hi thanks for the story it really lifted me...

~glowly worm~
10-03-11, 19:44
If these boards had a like button as facebook does..they would be triple liked xxx

11-03-11, 15:18
So glad to hear that my story has inspired some of you xx

cathy s
11-03-11, 17:41
Your story inspired me and gave me renewed hope that all can be well. I have got Claire Weekes books too, and have found them most useful. It isn't easy, but it is possible, thanks for reminding us of this.

cathy s
11-03-11, 17:42
Your post was inspiring too! Thank you.

12-03-11, 11:59
Cathy your right it isnt easy but it is worth all the determination and courage that you need to practice Dr Weekes method and yes I still have days now and times when I think I cant cope with what is required of me but by learning how to deal with myself in those situations and by just letting the anxious thoughts come I can now live my life fully just the way I want to.

Carol x

13-07-11, 19:36
Just wanted to update on my journey through my anxiety. Since writing last my daughter got married and although a little shaky I went to the wedding was proud of myself and had a really good day I actually felt my old self again, after the wedding I went down a little and my anxiety returned but I kept going and accepted that it was all the excitement that had taken me back to it and I overcame it once again.

Last weekend I went away for the first time in 12 years without any of my family, I went with a friend and I managed to stay away from home in a country cottage for 3 days, this was something I never ever in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to do but I did and I was so proud of myself and will be doing it again very soon. I still have symptoms of anxiety and panic and still have my bad days when it all seems to be out of reach but I now know that I will keep going and be able to achieve whatever I set my mind to . I dont care too much any more about my symptoms and by not caring they dont matter and wont stop me living.

Good luck to all of you if I can get my life back so can you.


13-07-11, 19:46

I do remember you hun great to hear you are doing so well:yesyes:.


13-07-11, 20:27
You should remember me Andrea I have you on face book lol thank you xxx

13-07-11, 22:10
LOL it was your name spelt backwards that threw me lol:whistles:
