View Full Version : How can I get better sleep?

24-02-11, 14:12
My sleep seems to get worse and worse to a point where 7 days a week it's usually about 3am before I can start thinking of sleeping. I usually go to bed about 1am but still can't sleep until 3am due to distractions or racing mind, urge to check my phone ect..

For weeks It had been maybe 5 nights and some nights I'd sleep maybe about 2am just gets later and later and if I can't sleep right away I feel worse next day..plus I sleep on to long until about 12pm most days.

I feel utterly crap and run down most days...I suspect my poor sleep is not helping or a cause? makes me fear I'm crazy if I can't sleep..I do go to bed feeling stressed sometimes from dating sites and I am a bit addicted to social networking sites.

How can I snap out of this as I never use to be as bad..? :unsure:

24-02-11, 18:03
If you spend so much time glued to the computer and sleeping all day then you may find getting up and getting some excercise a nice challenge and change. Sitting about all day is not only bad for your mental state overall, but your body does not get used how it is designed to be used, it isn't tired and so won't want to sleep.
Most people are active in some way during the day, either mentally or physically and not for recreational purposes.
Just my 2cents but I find lazing around, isn't going to help your mental or physical state.
I've suffered from chronic insomnia for over 25 years and as long as you get 4 hours sleep a night you should be fine.

paula lynne
24-02-11, 18:51
Lavender is great. Also, no tv or laptop at least 2hrs before youre thinking of going to bed....listen to calm music or read. Drink milk - ovaltine or hot chocolate...milk contains tryptophans which are sleep-inducing hormones.
Try and get more excercise during the day, even a half hour walk is beneficial.

23-06-11, 03:16
I'm still having an issue with sleep. At the moment I sleep roughly between 3am and 1pm sometimes get up at 12pm. Some nights I can barely sleep until 6am.

It just becomes habit to sit on the PC all night I find myself more and more just having these late nights.

I'm not going mad am I or it's not an illness? :scared15:

23-06-11, 04:14
There have been days I forced myself up early though I was tired. That made me sleepy at a much more resonable time at night.
Hope you find a good help to readjust your sleep cycle.

23-06-11, 04:47
your not on your own here but mine is i fall asleep about 10pm as i cant keep my eyes open & am awake at 1-2am EVERYDAY i just can't sleep any longer my body clock has got so used to getting up this early i don't no if am ever gonna sleep longer so my day seems so longggggggg as am up so blooming early :weep:

23-06-11, 08:27
For me its can't get to sleep, then can't stay asleep, then wake early. Yuk! So know how you all feel. Routine (which I so don't have) food and writing stuff down help!! X x x

04-07-11, 04:02
I have been staying up until 3am most nights for a while now. Wake up at lunch usually.

Will it cause me any harm? Heard you can die from no sleep? :ohmy:

04-07-11, 11:37
Hi Phil,

when i was ill my GP told me what she used to do and it worked great for me. Essentially i set myself a strict period to be in bed everyday and that was it (i think it was midnight-8am). Outside of those hours i couldn't go anywhere near the bed and during that time i could only leave to go to the toilet and even then i'd only do it if i were desperate. i recommend not taking a computer or phone with you either.

It will be frustrating at first as you'll just be lying there unable to sleep but after a few days your body will get used to it and you'll be able to get regular sleeps in.

gl mate

05-07-11, 18:58
Go to Riteaid, CVS, Or Walgreens and grab yourself some sleepy time tea. It's the package with the bear sitting in a rocking chair. Racing thoughts or not, you'll be forced to sleep beyond your own will.

05-07-11, 22:42
Sounds a lot like I used to be when I was depressed and anxious. I'd stay up until the early hours on the computer and sleep until lunch the next day. I'd wake up during the 'night' and spend hours worrying. When I got up I'd still feel really tired.

The only way to cure it is to be less anxious. What helps me is exercise, activity, relaxation, avoiding worrying, anti-depressants and spending time enjoying myself.

I'm sleeping much better now, sometimes I sleep all the way through. I feel tired at about 10pm and go to bed an hour so later. I'm spending too much time sleeping, but that's getting better too.

Don't start worrying because you're not sleeping well. In my panic stage I was sleeping an hour a night and still making it into work, it amazed me how little sleep I could have and not go totally crazy.

06-07-11, 00:42
Sounds a lot like I used to be when I was depressed and anxious. I'd stay up until the early hours on the computer and sleep until lunch the next day. I'd wake up during the 'night' and spend hours worrying. When I got up I'd still feel really tired.

The only way to cure it is to be less anxious. What helps me is exercise, activity, relaxation, avoiding worrying, anti-depressants and spending time enjoying myself.

I'm sleeping much better now, sometimes I sleep all the way through. I feel tired at about 10pm and go to bed an hour so later. I'm spending too much time sleeping, but that's getting better too.

Don't start worrying because you're not sleeping well. In my panic stage I was sleeping an hour a night and still making it into work, it amazed me how little sleep I could have and not go totally crazy.

I was like that too Luna.

At the height of my depression I would be awake until 4am and then sleep until 3/4pm. I still struggle with sleep and am awake until about 2am but I get up around 11am now, but then spend the rest of the day shattered.

I think for me it is a combination of habit and having also spent years and years doing only 12hr night shifts at the hospital.

I think my body clock is screwed!

I do find that the more you do during the daytime if you feel up to it is the key and getting out and about. Last week I went out for the day to a Royal Horticultural garden with family, walking around for hours and I had the best sleep in ages that night and really felt the benefit.

Low lighting, a good book/movie (not an action one though!) and a milky drink also helps.

All the best.xx

08-07-11, 01:42
Hi Phil

I just wanted to say that I'm in almost exactly the same boat regarding sleep at the moment.

In fact it was quite weird when I saw your thread as 3am seems to be the time I'm getting to sleep each night and not before. One difference is that I read in bed for a few hours and always have done but lately no matter how tired I am I can't seem to sleep until 3am and then struggle to get up before 10 or 11am.

I'm off work at the moment but before I was signed off there were a lot of nights where I had no sleep at all and some when I'd have maybe 1 - 3 hours.

Definitely get away from the internet a bit earlier and leave your phone in another room or switch it off - the internet will still be there in the morning!