View Full Version : what do you do in the day to prevent anxiety?

24-02-11, 18:43
ok i cant work due to my anxiety,but iv become more anxious for a few days and feeling sick and tense.
i just want to know if any of you are not working,and what you do in the day to prevent getting anxious

24-02-11, 19:17
Hi Kate,

I have been off work for 7 months with severe anxiety, i usually spend the mornings with my mum we usually go out everyday, just for a wander. In the afternoon i take the dog for a walk and then watch a bit of tv. anything that takes you mind of your anxiety is good.

24-02-11, 19:49
I would say that whilst you are off work you should be doing all you can to get well again so exercise, going for walks, reading self-help books, relaxation etc.

Use the time to get better so that you can get back to work again :-)

24-02-11, 20:02
i am a sufferer too and i think its important to try and keep busy and keep positive, exercise daily is great, reading, keeping busy round house etc, too much free time gives us too much thinking time, big hugs xxx

24-02-11, 20:06
Yep...I agree...keep busy, busy, busy....I don't work, but have a large family, so there is always cleaning, washing, cooking etc...to do at my house. Anyone want to come and help me? lol
If I don't have someething to so...then I find something...like wash the car, maybe potter in the garden and pull some weeds out...I find I feel much better if I keep active!

24-02-11, 21:04
Distraction is the key. Exercise, read, watch a film, crosswords, suduko. It's tricky but anything you feel you have an interest in then go for it.

24-02-11, 21:09

As others have said, occupation is the key. You need to try and be busy with something as long and as often as you can. This can be difficult if you are home all day, but things like reading, crosswords, walking the dog etc are easy and cheap to do and are therapeutic in themselves.


24-02-11, 21:41
Or play on the games on here!!!! I am addicted to the game with the fish and the bubbles!