View Full Version : Anxiety cost me £70.00.yesterday ....

24-02-11, 20:28
After doing so well on the citralapram and comeing off the valium for a week i had a relapse last night . I,d been great for 3 weeks :D.
I have this issue of food feeling stuck in my back and globus which comes and goes , i,m seeing the doctor regular (every two weeks ) had bloods done and she says its anxiety as i also get chest pains . I was accepting this .
So was on here last night and a member "pasted" a link to help somebody out (NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS :D IT WAS JUST BEING HELPFULL) but it was from a site i came across during my dr google days :blush: i reconised it instantly and my fears about the big C suddendly hit me again , i instantly went cold . Then started sweating . Then worrying . All the old feeling came flooding back . I gave it 10 minutes and hit the fridge , 2 x cans of stella in a few minutes , 10 minutes later my stomach was on fire with nerves , i couldn,t swallow and i felt a lump in my throat . No good , had another beer washed down with 4 mg of valium , still felt like crap .
Couldn,t handle it so said to the wife and kids lets eat out....at the pub .

A few more pints later in the pub and i was as pissed as an arse :blush::blush::lac:
Had a red hot curry and was sweating even more , not sure if this was the curry or anxiety .
Because i was pissed i didn,t hardly feel any food going down my back , anyway came home and carried eating just to prove i was fine at eating .
Total cost of Anxiety £70 :blush::blush: Size of stomach ENORMOUS , couldn,t eat all day today as i was so bloated but went to work .
When i Got up this morning i was still sweating , still not feeling myself .

I really feel like i,ve let myself down and gone backwards .:scared15::scared15: Managed to hide everything from the wife and kids includeing most of the beer . Not good at all useing alcohol to cope

Rant over

paula lynne
24-02-11, 23:35
AW Mel you poor bugger.....how are you now?
Been there with the booze, and suffer like hell the next day too. I know what you mean...a trigger like that site instantly ignights all those old fears and horror within you, and you do anything to make it stop. Obviously, you need to replace the "run for the booze or valium" with a healthier and less costly option!

You havent gone backwards, you just stumbled...and now youre going to get up again ok....................TC x:hugs:

25-02-11, 00:01
Thanks for the reply :)

I feel better tonight , but i,ve had valium and alcohol :mad: , now i seem to be able to swallow again and i,m not sweating . It must be anxiety that causes the swallowing issue or my acid stomach .
When i,m relaxed (slightly pissed) the lump and swallowing is almost normal , so might be anxiety related . I find it hard to believe that i,ve not been anxious for the last three weeks but i still get this globus / swallowing issue ....what ever it is , i think the web page plus my symtyms are still there kicked me off last night .

I think i should just accept that it will go , but i,m getting impatient now.. can,t wait for summer as i work much longer hours , have no time to drink as much and ill spend the evenings with the kids in the garden or the park , although one is getting a little to old for that now .
A new day tommorow :)


Mel x

25-02-11, 00:05
Ahh Mel

I have had the valium and the alcohol issues too just try not to beat yourself up about it - yes I know I should heed my own advice but you will get there just take care

Missy :hugs:

25-02-11, 09:16
Hi Mel,

Do I owe you £70?

Sorry buddy, if it was the info I posted to Eggy.


paula lynne
25-02-11, 11:21
I know what you mean. My tight throat would only ease afer a drink in the beginning. After a while, it just went away without the booze, as I stopped paying so much attention to it. Youre right, a new day today.:yesyes:

25-02-11, 16:43
Hi Mel,

Do I owe you £70?

Sorry buddy, if it was the info I posted to Eggy.


..lol...yes it was your post . NOT YOUR FAULT MATE :D, its the months of googleing that wrecked my head , i used to google that much i even know what it said in the links without clicking on them :roflmao:for some reason it brought it all back , i,m glad it happened in a way as i coped , i,m fine today i was just shocked how panicked i felt and its made me relise i still have a long way to go before i get back to my old self , so in away you did me a favour . It also reminded me never to google !


Thanks everyone for the replies