View Full Version : there is NO trigger....help

24-02-11, 20:56
alot of people say 'what triggers your anxiety' but for me there is NO trigger,it just comes over me on its own without me thinking about anything.
Why is this?its like i dont even know what i think,i just feel spaced out 24/7.i dont understand how im ment to change how i feel if i dont even know my own thoughts or what triggers things off
any help would be nice :doh:

24-02-11, 21:04
Hi Kate,

There doesn't always have to be a trigger, but i found with mine its just how i 'feel' about myself in general, or if im tired, especially if im tired actually, i went through a period of 4 months where i was getting very little sleep, this was a very bad time for me, i couldn't sleep because of my anxiety and then the next day my anxiety would be worse because i had no sleep, it was a big vicious circle, during this time i was very spaced out and lightheaded too, how are you sleeping at the mo?

I hope you star to feel better soon xx

24-02-11, 21:04
alot of people say 'what triggers your anxiety' but for me there is NO trigger,it just comes over me on its own without me thinking about anything.
Why is this?its like i dont even know what i think,i just feel spaced out 24/7.i dont understand how im ment to change how i feel if i dont even know my own thoughts or what triggers things off
any help would be nice :doh:


I have exactly the same experience. My body just seems out of control and producing anxiety without me actually being stressed or thinking anxious thoughts. When I wake up its just there before I am fully conscious and is present until I go to sleep again 14 or so hours later.
Things are somewhat more tolerable now I am taking 150mg Trimipramine (an older TCA) as this helps me sleep better.
Hang on in there and make sure you get help from a GP and/or psychiatrist.


24-02-11, 21:09
thanks everyone xxx

24-02-11, 21:38
I wrote last week about my findings and there being no trigger, my body is addicted to adrenaline and so self medicates at will, I have no control over it. Me and my body seem like separte entities at times.
Why my chemical imbalance has become addicted to adrenaline surges I do not know, but all and anxiety attack or a panic attack is something in your system reacting and needing to discharge adrenaline. When your body is doing this for no reason other than when it wants to, we have untriggered panic and self attacks. Adrenaline is supposed to be there to protect us in shock or pain, for no reason it is simply an overdose on itself. How do I become in control with my system again? Not sure, I think a lot, I think about things people getting on with thier life don't actually think about. I think about stupis pointless things and then the worse thing is thinking about panicing, that makes me feel different and so I get a little anxiety which sets my other body off and it takes a hit of adrenaline and all of a sudden I'm in full panic.
Method to the madness. It took me 25 years to figure this out:wacko:

24-02-11, 23:33
I have to say that my anxiety also seems to be triggered off by being run down. I find that when I get physically and mentally exhausted...Bang...it hits me! Then other factors come into it, which increases my anxiety. Try excercising as this releases built up adrenaline and it is known that excercise helps with both anxiety and depression!
Good Luck

25-02-11, 03:59
alot of people say 'what triggers your anxiety' but for me there is NO trigger,it just comes over me on its own without me thinking about anything.
Why is this?

I've copied the following paragraph from your other post to try and answer your question...

i had to leave my job due to anxiety,i can sometimes not be able to concentrate and its always a struggle to leave the house.i feel like im going to go mad as when im at home i feel isolated and the world just scares me....my anxiety goes from one thing to another,at the moment its i think if i go out il need to use the toilet and if theres none around i will panick like hell and feel like im gonna faint

What often happens is we get overstressed at work or by events in our daily lives which then cause us to feel anxious. When this anxious feeling builds up it can then lead to feelings of panic. It's our minds way of telling us we're taking on more than we can cope with. It's a warning telling us we need to find ways to ease our stress load.

if you think of ancient times when we would be confronted by a lion, we would either have to fight or run. Modern day lions are found in the workplace or at home when we are confronted with mental pressures that create the same feelings we would feel at the sight of a lion. However, in the workplace etc we can't fight what we can't see and we can't run because we have to work. We then feel "trapped" and that's why we then feel panicky because we can't escape our stress.

If you see a lion, what do you think? Anything?...or do you just "feel" you have to run? Those feelings are what we feel when we feel too stressed. We don't actually have to think anything. We respond without actual thoughts because we react to what we "see" and "feel".

As you say, the world just scares me. You think of the outside of your 4 walls as your lion. You don't have to think anything. You just "feel" afraid because all you see is a lion at every window. The outside now represents fear because you have been overstressed and frightened by a modern day lion which now causes you to feel panicky and vulnerable when out and about and this then made you feel the need to feel secure in what feels the safety of your home to avoid the feelings of fear that are experienced with panic.

The trouble with fear though is that we can't hide from it. We may feel safe within 4 walls but it actually becomes a prison making us feel "trapped" again and of course that trapped feeling makes us feel stressed and panicky. Therefore, you find then that fear comes to reside with you both inside and outside. You end up living in fear of the world around your body whether inside or outside your 4 walls.

If you put a bird in a cage, it could well feel the same feelings which is why they think birds pull their feathers out because they're bored and stressed. In humans, I always feel this is why we develop health anxiety because like a bird in a cage focusing on pulling it's feathers out, we focus on everything going on with our bodies.

The only way to overcome fear is to not give into it otherwise it will control your life. However, that doesn't mean feeling anxious then going out head on and experiencing panic. It means learning to feel relaxed Before you attempt to go out then learning the ways to keep relaxed once you're out.

it's all about confidence. Your confidence is shattered. You need to learn how to gradually rebuild your confidence to prove to yourself you really have nothing to fear but fear itself because present day lions can't harm you. It's just your fear and anxiety making you feel they can. It can be a long road but with the right help you Can get there.

Hope that helps to expain things.:hugs:

25-02-11, 10:21
I too get it when i'm tired, i have tried to think what triggers it, i cant find a trigger. Ive always been a bit of stress head, but im not really an anxious person, i have no fear of 'going out' or the world particularly, i think it must be when i get run down also. I also find that i get so tired easily. It doesnt take much and im feel like plopping on the sofa and not moving...which is what i do! Just being in my own company for so long, which i enjoy, means that if i have to go out, or spend time with someone else....i get a little stressed...adrenanline kicks in and i guess thats it...throat constriction away!!