View Full Version : My right eye appears to be watering (tears) - HELP

03-04-06, 08:39

Since Sunday morning my right eye keeps watering (little tears drops), which has got me all in an anxious mess again.

Does anybody know if this is common as my wife has told me to calm down as it could be a slight cold in the eye and to calm down?

I have woke up today and it's still doing it and I'm sure this is not a symptom caused by anxiety.

I'm worried that something might be pushing against my eye (negative thoughts again).

Please help as I do not want to go running to the doctors again as they must be tired of seeing me there and it's embarrassing?


03-04-06, 09:29
Hey Tony,
This may sound silly but have you have a look to see if theres anything in your eye?? like an eyelash? I always get eyelashes in my eye and my eye just waters until i get it out. Have a check yourself or have your wife to have a look. Give it a swill out with water and if it still waters its best to go to the docs.

06-04-06, 20:54

I went to the doctors Monday night.
The doctor put some dye in my eye and said nothing was in the eye.
The doctor said take eye drops (antibiotics) and it should settle in 48 hours.

It is still running and my anxiety levels are high at this points as I have gone past 48 hours and I'm worrying about something growing behind he eye now.


06-04-06, 21:01
hello im rania from belgium i suffer from chronic anxiety . 3 weeks ago my eye started watering for about 6 days, i was going spare with worry, on the seventh day it went! please dont worry yourself it will go its probably a cold in your eye

07-04-06, 15:13
Hi I'm having this problem at the moment too. I'm trying very hard not to worry about it. My eyes are very watery and it sometimes makes my vision go blurred - so am convincing myself I'm going blind, have a tumour etc etc.

I've told myself that it's nothing to worry about, and it's probably my sinuses or reaction to all the spring flowers that are now out.

I'm sure it's nothing.


Take time to smell the roses.

07-04-06, 15:18
Hi I'm having this problem at the moment too. I'm trying very hard not to worry about it. My eyes are very watery and it sometimes makes my vision go blurred - so am convincing myself I'm going blind, have a tumour etc etc.

I've told myself that it's nothing to worry about, and it's probably my sinuses or reaction to all the spring flowers that are now out.

I'm sure it's nothing.


Take time to smell the roses.

09-04-06, 11:02

My eye seems to be getting better and I had the doctor check my vision and eyes on Friday.

Can anybody tell me if anxiety can effect your eyes (vision) if your worrying?


12-04-06, 13:15
Hi all,

I have just got back from the optitians, who said my eye sight is the same prescription as previus two years and the eye watering could be due to a blocked tier duct and nothing to worry about.

Why do I still worry though, I wish she never said that I could come back in two weeks if it's still bothering you.

I asked is it anything serious and she said no, no infections and the back of the eye is good.


12-04-06, 13:29

Calm down, I would say its nothing to worry about, because my eyes water basically every day and they sting too it happens to a lot of people, but if you're that worried then go to the doctors and they will reassure you. Hope this helps.

Keep smiling.
x x