View Full Version : Banging Head - subdural haematoma

24-02-11, 21:29
I bashed my head last week on a concrete fireplace - was sitting at a restaurant in this alcove which I believe was an old fireplace and clonked my head on it. Since then I have had a headache every day...... A dull ache...I am so worried my brain is bleeding.... :(
I went to the doctors, who were no help, they didn't reassure me, they just said see how it goes. I keep looking on google and all sorts of websites and am worried. Have just had a baby so I keep panicing I am going to die and leave him behind :(
The headaches are awful and I am struggling to concentrate on anything. I have had brain tumour anxiety before with daily headaches which eventually after two years went away, but they were two years of hell. I am so worried that I am going back to daily headaches or have a slow bleed....

paula lynne
24-02-11, 23:14
Hi, its good your gp has given you the all clear.
Obviously, having brain tumour anxiety has made you very anxious over banging your head. I can tell youve done a lot of googling, as I dont see the words SDH (Sub-dural haematoma) here very often!

Im an ex-neuro nurse so my advice to you is, go back to your gp if you have the following.......
Nausea and/or vomiting
Blurred eyesight
Unsteady gait, or walking normally then suddenly swaying
Difficulty breathing or talking

Im sure you are ok, as SDH presents very quickly, and you would have probably been admitted to hospital within a day, as you would have had all the above symptoms and a headache.

Try to stay calm, and if youre really worried, you can always call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

Take care, P x