View Full Version : New Here

24-02-11, 22:13
Hi am new here ;) and i suffer from anxiety well thats what my doctor told me :D been taken bedranol 80mg sr for 10month now it all started when i woke up feeling spaced out and has never went away has any1 have this feeling of spaced out? i also suffer with chronic cluster headaches

24-02-11, 22:15
Hi Marc2011

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-02-11, 22:42
Cheers :D

Vanilla Sky
24-02-11, 22:50
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

24-02-11, 23:25
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

thanks :D

24-02-11, 23:40
Hi Marc,
The feeling of being spaced out is definately anxiety....happens to me all the time!
I've suffered with anxiety for 9 years now...been on and off meds in that time...just recently went back on them (sertraline) and 19 days later am just starting to feel better! Yesterday was my first anxiety free day since I started my meds, so things are looking up! I find I feel worse if I'm really tired, so trying to get plenty of sleep and rest, but keeping myself busy at other times always helps!
Good luck and welcome!

25-02-11, 12:14
Hi Marc and :welcome:. You'll meet a lot of nice people on this site who know exactly what your goung through. Patty's advice is spot on. I had my frist ever panic attack in Dec and have had that spaced out feeling (Depersonalisation/Derealisation) you mention ever since. I'm also on the same betablocker as you and also Citalopram 20mg. Horrible I know but I find it helps since I started to accept this is who I am for the moment and it will not always be with me. Hope your ok. Take Care Andrew :yesyes:

25-02-11, 19:09
Hi Marc:welcome: I too am new:blush: and I have been experiencing the same spaced out feeling (depersonalisation) constantly for 4 weeks now and I have found it very very frightening. I'm not on any meds at the moment as I'm 8 months pregnant. In the short time I've been on this site I've found a bit of comfort knowing that I'm not losing my mind (although it feels like it at times!) Hope you too find some support - I'm certainly one of them - take care :hugs:

25-02-11, 19:38
Thanks for the replies. :D hopefully it goes away soon the doctor has referred me to a psychologist

25-02-11, 22:25
:welcome:Hello and welcome Marc.....:shades: